
2028 is our year
Nov 3, 2011
I don’t have the stomach to discuss what happened yesterday so I’m not going to just talk about the same things

To me yesterday was more proof that TVD is the guy

It’s impossible to write up a scenario that could have been worse for him

Bad reads. Missed throws. Both at the same time. We blinked and on the road against FSU the game was basically over

But things just don’t bother this kid

He didn’t let an epically horrifying first quarter snowball and he just kept letting it rip

So in some ways it was his worst game, but as far as the rest of his career goes, I think this may have been the most impressed I’ve been with him

I’m a huge Garcia fan but I don’t see this kid ever letting go of the job

I’m just looking for something here….thanks for listening
Of course he's the guy. He knows how to bounce back from slow starts, plays with confidence. I like him a lot.

My brother (an fsu fan) texted me saying "Wow your QB is really good" a couple minutes later he texts me "wow this FSU guy can't throw at all"


he them texted me a video of the 4th and 14, and was like " looks like you guys were playing with 8 guys on that play"
With how well he's played its easy to forget he's still a RS freshman. There will be more growing pains, but the experience he's gaining will pay dividends down the road. Hopefully a new OC and system doesn't stunt his development in the more than likely scenario that Lashlee isn't retained by the next HC. TVD has been one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dreadful season.
With how well he's played its easy to forget he's still a RS freshman. There will be more growing pains, but the experience he's gaining will pay dividends down the road. Hopefully a new OC and system doesn't stunt his development in the more than likely scenario that Lashlee isn't retained by the next HC. TVD has been one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dreadful season.
I hate to use the generic “it factor” thing but whatever it is, he’s got it

He’s got the mental toughness
Of course he's the guy. He knows how to bounce back from slow starts, plays with confidence. I like him a lot.

My brother (an fsu fan) texted me saying "Wow your QB is really good" a couple minutes later he texts me "wow this FSU guy can't throw at all"


he them texted me a video of the 4th and 14, and was like " looks like you guys were playing with 8 guys on that play"
4th and 14 is definitely Banner Worthy

It was the epitome of what’s wrong with this team
8 games:

149/242-2,193 yards-19 TDs-6 INT's-61.6%-158.6 QB rating

Looking forward next year get Knighton and Chaney back with Brown and Thad.

Smith, X, Brinson, George, Smith, and hopefully a transfer WR.

I think we may have Nelson, Rivers, Clark, Scaife, Campbell at OL

Mallory and Arroyo at TE.

Pieces in place to take another step if the new offense is picked up easily.
He's gotta loosen up his feet faster, but I understand his inexperience. If I were him, I'd ask to get punched in the gut prior to the game. Once he gets moving (his feet), he's a different QB. Early on, those feet were in cement. He missed a couple throws that should have been 6. You can tell simply by how and when he climbs the pocket. Pure ladder drills this spring and summer - hopefully under a new coaching staff and culture.

I would have still put the ball in his hands on that late 3rd and short. Let him hit a quick route in the middle of the field (out of an empty set) OR run it. He's a gamer. Leave the ball in his hands.
He's gotta loosen up his feet faster, but I understand his inexperience. If I were him, I'd ask to get punched in the gut prior to the game. Once he gets moving (his feet), he's a different QB. Early on, those feet were in cement. He missed a couple throws that should have been 6. You can tell simply by how and when he climbs the pocket. Pure ladder drills this spring and summer - hopefully under a new coaching staff and culture.

I would have still put the ball in his hands on that late 3rd and short. Let him hit a quick route in the middle of the field (out of an empty set) OR run it. He's a gamer. Leave the ball in his hands.
Funny. I said the same thing to some friends here. I said this kid just needs someone to blindside him just before kickoff

And also agree on the play. I didn’t “hate” the idea of the play but how it was run

We’ve been killing people with the bootleg to Mallory or Arroyo to the open part of the field. I dont think there’s any way they could stop that call even if TVD had to tuck it and run
I like TVD. Kid has moxie and the "it" factor.

Sadly, I care about none of that as long as this abortion of head coach is still in charge of this football program.

I called those last three wins the useless, empty-calorie victories that the were—people getting caught up in the feeling of the win, instead of the fact that a bad Miami football team (collectively) eked out wins over sub par ACC competition.

Wins over NC State, Pitt and Georgia Tech mean absolutely zero if you lose to a 3-6 Florida State team.

THIS is why some of us were "rooting" for 2-4 to turn into 2-7 and this buffoon to get run out of town. Losses to NC State and Pitt would've had Diaz gone by Halloween and the team might've gotten the interim spark kind of energy they had under Larry Scott in 2015.

The minute our fans started talking about "winning out" I had to laugh. Miami drops a game like this EVERY YEAR dating back to 2005, when it **** the bed against Georgia Tech as the #3 team in the land. Miami was going to lose to FSU or VT with four games remaining. Book it. (Everyone who says VT sucks; the sucked in 2019 and were coming off a 45-10 home loss against Duke before jumping all over the Canes for the eventual upset.)

Van Dyke had been playing flawless; he was due for a game like this—and with no ground game to bail him out, or defense to make stands—this was inevitable.

Miami didn't do anything different in this game against Florida State than they did against Georgia Tech—same garbage football—they just stole a win versus one and gave a game away against another.

Eight first quarter penalties, three turnovers and a 14-0 hole. Way to have your kids ready for the biggest game of the year, Manure Diaz.
TVD is good, but let’s not write off Garcia just yet. Garcia is also the real deal. I want to see an open competition for starting QB, and if TVD beats out Garcia, then fine. No starting job should be a given on a 5-5 team. Every position should be competed for and won
could say alot - but will only say this...needs a good coach and needs an OC that understands how to consistently maximize what he's got.
i'm a fan of the kid.