Trevor Lawrence & Travis Etienne

We can only control ourselves. If Clemson ends up at half strength because players opt out, that's on them. All we can do is win. That's all that matters.

Nobody from Miami should be posting Prayerful post prior too or post hoping for that outcome either!
Nobody from Miami should be posting Prayerful post prior too or post hoping for that outcome either!
If Trevor announces he’s sitting out will that stop you from watching the game? Will it make you any less of a fan to root for them (Miami) to win? Will it make you any less of a fan if they (Miami) win? If your answer is no than me and you share that common answer and opinion. Difference between me and you is that I believe if the kid is a sure lock #1 draft pick he shouldn’t be playing much this season and it could benefit himself and somewhat benefit us. That’s not me being a fair weather fan that’s just me looking at it objectively. Kid sits out and waits for the draft. We play and possibly beat a Clemson team that has been in the NC 4 of the last 5 years. 9/10 of those rival fans calling that a win against a “watered” down team wouldn’t want to switch places and play Clemson. If you don’t agree with the article or thread keep it moving .. all this extra activity some weird Shxt.
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Exactly. Let’s see how far we’ve come. If Lawrence is the difference between a 35pt swing King is at least a 21 point swing. If baker doesn’t **** the bed with his play calling it’ll be a close game.
I'm really hoping Manny is more involved in calling defensive plays. Baker proved he was too green last season.
We can only control ourselves. If Clemson ends up at half strength because players opt out, that's on them. All we can do is win. That's all that matters.
With covid going on, we both might end up half strength. There's no telling when a player can hit positive. It is what it is. Next man up and let's play.