Travis Etienne returning to Clemson

Such an ignorant decision. Literally lost a year of real pay with pension consequences. Kids today cannot make decisions to save their lives.
Idiots leaving Miami early and these Clemson players staying for absolutely zero reason .
1st / 2nd rd - it doesn’t matter.

The sooner he makes it to his 2nd NFL contract-the better. That’s where his big time money is...not in his first rookie deal. As an RB, the sooner (younger age and less wear/tear) he can get to his 2nd NFL contract, the better for him.

Thats why it’s, at best, an odd decision, to stay for his SR year.
The college experience is invaluable and can never be repeated

Exactly. The nutcases never understand or value that. I can't imagine leaving college early to join any work force. Once you enroll and stay all 4 years you are part of that fraternity for life. You are part of all the memories, all the anecdotes, all the laughs, all the truth is stranger than fiction tales. Those show up at age 40, 50, 60 and so forth, whether structured reunions or calls out of the blue. Someone who bolts early forfeits a huge chunk of that, since senior year occupies such a major part of how college days are remembered...far beyond 1/4th. Leave early and you're the oh yeah guy, as in...I forgot about him. Somebody else takes your place in all the anecdotes and all the laughs.