Transfer portal watch thread!! (Versions 1.0 - 4.0 merged)

Yeah. LOL I got my degree in business, not botany. Not a lot of stoners in the MBA program.

By the way, I'm not gonna respond to OriginalCanes' snarky *** comment about me "not knowing the facts," because I think you'll just play favorites again and thread ban me while letting your personal buddies run wild. So I'll just let it slide.

TOC being "Snarky ***" ? Impossible!
My buddy’s got an MBA and owns a weed company so....

I have a good buddy who does as well. Graduated in the same class. I don't think it should be legal because of the harm it does to productivity, but I don't write the laws. As long as it is legal, I don't fault anyone who plays by the rules as they're written.

And we both respect differences of opinion and don't take them personally.
Assuming the NCAA allows an additional 5 ICs, Miami should really empty the clip here. We should be the most attractive destination for any high-level transfer, bar none. Hopefully there is some freshman All-American type who's looking for a new situation that we can snag and get multiple years of production from. Never going to have this free agency-like opportunity again, I hope we're as "aggressive" in the transfer market as these SEC schools are in recruiting South FLorida
Rva has Thread banned me twice since he’s been a mod. And I think we’re board buddies. Dude is fair and puts a lot of effort into keeping this from being a **** hole. Your comment about him having favorites tells me a lot .

That's just my recent personal experience. Maybe it was an outlier. It's whatever, I'm not worried about it.
I have a good buddy who does as well. Graduated in the same class. I don't think it should be legal because of the harm it does to productivity, but I don't write the laws. As long as it is legal, I don't fault anyone who plays by the rules as they're written.

And we both respect differences of opinion and don't take them personally.
It legit helps people though on the medical side. They put my 80 something year old father on it and he had been through all kinds of things. He was far from a weed head.
It legit helps people though on the medical side. They put my 80 something year old father on it and he had been through all kinds of things. He was far from a weed head.

I'm for medical marijuana. It's recreational I don't agree with.

BTW, sorry about your father.
Ok. That’s good to understand. That’s my biggest thing - medical.

I think medical marijuana not only works, but it could have saved this country from the whole opioid epidemic we have going on now. One of my best friends suffered a major spinal injury and suffers from a lot of pain. Lucky for him, he lives in Colorado so he's been able to use medical marijuana for years. It's made all the difference for him.

Just my opinion, but I think it's so much healthier, less addictive, and more effective than some of the opium derivatives Big Pharma pushes/pushed. OxyContin, for example.

So yeah, I'm all with you there.
I'm for medical marijuana. It's recreational I don't agree with.

BTW, sorry about your father.
Your comments about weed suggest you haven't done research on it. To make asinine comments about it being a barrier to productivity shows you don't know what you are speaking on. Weeds influence on productivity is miniscule compared to that of alcohol yet that is legal so you may want to go check those facts. And I do not smoke weed myself but know a lot of people who do and are some of the most productive people around
Yeah. LOL I got my degree in business, not botany. Not a lot of stoners in the MBA program.

By the way, I'm not gonna respond to OriginalCanes' snarky *** comment about me "not knowing the facts," because I think you'll just play favorites again and thread ban me while letting your personal buddies run wild. So I'll just let it slide.


RVA doesn't play favorites. You own your own thread bans.
I don’t ban people for TOC. He’s too confrontational to be afforded that. Lol
