Transfer Portal Exemptions

Gables Cane

Nov 2, 2011
The Ladson thread raised an interesting question.

We can add one player to the incoming recruiting class for every departure to the transfer portal, provided we do not exceed the 85 scholarship player cap. This exemption is not impacted by the IC limitation, just the overall 85 player scholarship allotment ceiling.

My primary question for those keeping count is how many Portal Exemptions do we currently have available? Also, does it matter when a player departs for the portal?

Off the top of my head the following scholarship players recently departed:

Gurvan Hall
B. Jennings
Q. Williams

I know Hebert and Hillary also left but can't recall if they just quit or entered the portal.

If I am correct (doubtful), then we can add up to 8 transfer players to supplement the current recruiting class. We already added Lichtenstein so that leaves 7 additional "free agents" unless others transfer.

Can somebody confirm if this is accurate?
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The max is 32 players (25 incoming freshman, plus 7 transfers). So, we could technically take more than 7 transfers provided we sign less than 25 and don't exceed the 85 cap, right?

Correct as I understand it. You could sign 10 HS recruits and 22 transfers if you wanted (provided you have the exemptions) so long as you don't go over the 85.

This won't really impact us this year though. Next year, I'd expect us to bring in close to that 32.
The Ladson thread raised an interesting question.

We can add one player to the incoming recruiting class for every departure to the transfer portal, provided we do not exceed the 85 scholarship player cap. This exemption is not impacted by the IC limitation, just the overall 85 player scholarship allotment ceiling.

My primary question for those keeping count is how many Portal Exemptions do we currently have available? Also, does it matter when a player departs for the portal?

Off the top of my head the following scholarship players recently departed:

Gurvan Hall
B. Jennings
Q. Williams

I know Hebert and Hillary also left but can't recall if they just quit or entered the portal.

If I am correct (doubtful), then we can add up to 8 transfer players to supplement the current recruiting class. We already added Lichtenstein so that leaves 7 additional "free agents" unless others transfer.

Can somebody confirm if this is accurate?
If my reading of the rule is correct it has to be after Dec 15. No exemptions for guys who left before that. @TheOriginalCane bring you know it all *** in here , you’re needed
The Ladson thread raised an interesting question.

We can add one player to the incoming recruiting class for every departure to the transfer portal, provided we do not exceed the 85 scholarship player cap. This exemption is not impacted by the IC limitation, just the overall 85 player scholarship allotment ceiling.

My primary question for those keeping count is how many Portal Exemptions do we currently have available? Also, does it matter when a player departs for the portal?

Off the top of my head the following scholarship players recently departed:

Gurvan Hall
B. Jennings
Q. Williams

I know Hebert and Hillary also left but can't recall if they just quit or entered the portal.

If I am correct (doubtful), then we can add up to 8 transfer players to supplement the current recruiting class. We already added Lichtenstein so that leaves 7 additional "free agents" unless others transfer.

Can somebody confirm if this is accurate?

We can only get a REPLACEMENT IC (up to 7 max) for every kid who enters the portal AFTER DECEMBER 15TH.

So, as of the current moment, we have ONE replacement IC (Nesta Silvera).

The max is 32 players (25 incoming freshman, plus 7 transfers). So, we could technically take more than 7 transfers provided we sign less than 25 and don't exceed the 85 cap, right?

Actually, the most interesting question would be rollovers.

For instance, we have 22 regular and 7 replacement ICs...let's say we sign 22 do you treat the 7 replacement ICs? Do you use those "first", and then carry over the extra 7 "regular"? Because I never heard that the Replacement ICs could be carried forward.

Just spitballing until I can read the rules more closely.
Can't some be counted toward 23?

Sure, we can carry forward, but see the item that I JUST posted (not your fault, I'm tying and I'm on Zoom), I'm not sure how the (up to) 7 Replacement ICs will be treated on a "rollforward" basis.
We can only get a REPLACEMENT IC (up to 7 max) for every kid who enters the portal AFTER DECEMBER 15TH.

So, as of the current moment, we have ONE replacement IC (Nesta Silvera).

Got it. So, you get an IC replacement scholly for every portal transfer that occurs after 12/15 up to a max of 7 and provided you don't exceed the 85 total scholarship limit. We get nothing for Gaynor, Wiggins, Pope et al. Well, that sucks.

I am assuming, therefore, that you cannot offer a portal transfer a scholly and have it count against the 25 IC cap unless you had a corresponding departure into the portal. Said differently, if we wanted to sign a WR and a DL today, we could not do so notwithstanding the availability of ICs at the moment. Since Nesta is the only qualified departure, we have just 1 scholarship to offer to a transfer candidate and would have to choose between the WR and DL. This could explain why we have not been that active with portal players.

If we are going to shore up the DL, LB, WR and secondary we will need others to hit the portal.
Got it. So, you get an IC replacement scholly for every portal transfer that occurs after 12/15 up to a max of 7 and provided you don't exceed the 85 total scholarship limit. We get nothing for Gaynor, Wiggins, Pope et al. Well, that sucks.

I am assuming, therefore, that you cannot offer a portal transfer a scholly and have it count against the 25 IC cap unless you had a corresponding departure into the portal. Said differently, if we wanted to sign a WR and a DL today, we could not do so notwithstanding the availability of ICs at the moment. Since Nesta is the only qualified departure, we have just 1 scholarship to offer to a transfer candidate and would have to choose between the WR and DL. This could explain why we have not been that active with portal players.

If we are going to shore up the DL, LB, WR and secondary we will need others to hit the portal.

The 7 do not HAVE TO be used on transfers. So you could "possibly" sign 29 freshmen, or 29 transfers. What I do not know about is if you go UNDER 29 ICs, whether you can carry any over. Not sure if it is FIFO or LIFO inventory on ICs...

And do not worry about the numbers AT THIS MOMENT. IC rules apply when you FIRST offer financial aid. So any August enrollees don't even count until then, regardless of when they sign LOIs.

So, in theory, at any given moment, you could "exceed" 85 including LOI-signees. But you don't have to worry about strict limits UNTIL the enrollment and the first award of the financial aid.

I do think we will go "under" 29, rather than exceed it, regardless of where we end up on the 85 number. But primarily because Mario is only offering top talent, no more JAGs, regardless of the IC/C numbers.
The Ladson thread raised an interesting question.

We can add one player to the incoming recruiting class for every departure to the transfer portal, provided we do not exceed the 85 scholarship player cap. This exemption is not impacted by the IC limitation, just the overall 85 player scholarship allotment ceiling.

My primary question for those keeping count is how many Portal Exemptions do we currently have available? Also, does it matter when a player departs for the portal?

Off the top of my head the following scholarship players recently departed:

Gurvan Hall
B. Jennings
Q. Williams

I know Hebert and Hillary also left but can't recall if they just quit or entered the portal.

If I am correct (doubtful), then we can add up to 8 transfer players to supplement the current recruiting class. We already added Lichtenstein so that leaves 7 additional "free agents" unless others transfer.

Can somebody confirm if this is accurate?
I think Hillery came back.

I could be wrong, but I have us technically with 79 scholarship players (including the commitments from ESD) as of tonight.
I think Hillery came back.

I could be wrong, but I have us technically with 79 scholarship players (including the commitments from ESD) as of tonight.

Make sure you are not counting the walk-on kids. Just recruited scholarship players, the ones who would have signed LOIs.

The walk-ons, while they have scholarships THIS YEAR, are subject to 1-year renewability, meaning that the 2022-23 school year scholarship is not guaranteed. So if we need room under the 85 counter rule, walk-ons won't get renewed.