Tim Tebow engaged

Future footage of Tebow during the honeymoon.

Lmfao.....tebow gonna nut on the 1st thrust....and then again on the first back stroke
So, is he gonna do the famous run up to the LOS, jump and dunk it for the motherload? That’s a one move, move.
Future footage of Tebow during the honeymoon.

If it’s his first time. He’ll be a two pump chump. Hopefully, he won’t be like a high school buddy of mine, who was making out with his girlfriend in the movie theater and when he felt her ***** for the first time, he nutted all over himself. He was walking out of the movie theater with a nutshot showing through his pants.
The hate is palpable but everyone here would give their left nut to have his money and the ability to smash Miss Uni at will.
But the fool doesn’t take advantage of it. I always said that if I was a celebrity, I wouldn’t get married. Too much temptation. It’s a lot harder when women are throwing it at you. I’d pull a hamstring trying to avoid it.
He can have his money, Miss Universe, etc.

I'd never want to trade my privacy for that kind of life. Worse yet, I would be a 'Gator Alum'.

We'd have to get JJB to shoot me. ;)
Marrying Ms. Universe, huh ..... I must have been living under a rock that year. Didn’t know they let dudes compete in 2017... sure as shzt didn’t hear about one winning.
Tebow is an interesting fella. I never paid attention to him or the *** rumors that much until I saw him on ESPN one day. Then when I saw him in person...let's just say...the man is sweet. He bagged a pretty one though.