Tim Burns mom comments

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Yah, it says she has her son's back. What else do you expect her to do so close to NSD? So many times there is speculation when a recruit says he's opening up his recruitment. She's making it clear that it was on UM's part. She could have gone into further detail, but didn't. I think she handled it better than most parents because if my son got his scholarship yanked, I'd be putting Manny on front street. No parent wants to see their child go thru jubilant and then disappointment when they have no control of the situation. She had a right to set the record straight.
Ok except by her mouthing off it also leaves an impression it might be on his and her part too.... It's not always the school that's at fault...
She's not picking a fight. She's a mom standing up for her 17/18-year-old son as any mom should in my opinion.

Standing up for your kid and going to the internet and having arguments with fans cause you dont like what they saying are two different things.

What happens when he goes to college and gets criticized by a reporter, or if he's lucky enough to make the NFL and network pundits start bashing him.

I don't see it as standing up for your kid.
It's more of a family member taking what anonymous people write on the internet too personal and too serious.
Ok except by her mouthing off it also leaves an impression it might be on his and her part too.... It's not always the school that's at fault...
I don't know why you're trying to defend this. Her comments don't get any clearer than, "my only wish is that he competes against Da U & make them pay for their decision."
I honestly think he's better than Markevious Brown, but I'm probably in the minority. So what if he's undersized - Couch is too and he's our best corner. Burns is a fiesty ****, smart and good instincts.
The dip**** defensive staph is obsessed with talk corners like we're an NFL prep team or something. It's so dumb. Who cares if you're tall if you're never in position.
I don't know why you're trying to defend this. Her comments don't get any clearer than, "my only wish is that he competes against Da U & make them pay for their decision."
I don't know why you can't see both sides .... I never said the school didn't let him go.. I'm sure they did ... All I'm saying is based on her taking it to Facebook shows me that there's more to it than just her side ... If mom got a big mouth then this more than likely isn't the first time she's opened it...
Was that a blanket statement or did I reply to you without realizing? Saying mike isn't a good recruiter is something I'm not arguing at this point one way or the other. But it's the equivalent of me saying ur a telemarketer and ur not allowed to do cold calls. Nothing but a set script with a subscription base. Because otherwise youre judging a dude based on someone else's measurements. The kids y'all say are this and are that mandy literally handpicked. If Mike had his options he had one kid locked in who is easily the defensive freshman of the year so far in the sec and the other who was set to start at georgia as a true freshman before his injury... Those were mike's two targets and mandy wouldn't sign off on them due to them being out of state and being too high profile. Said it would be hard to justify the expense of recruiting them... That was out of Mandy's mouth. No one else's. Just think keele was locked in on wanting to come here and LOVED UM HISTORY AND EVEN LOVED RUMPH due to his role in our history. We didn't even offer him for almost two years when the kid took his own time and reached out to us. How the **** that works...is that on mike or is it on our defensive wizs from blue martini and the state senate? Reality for you is mike has become a scapegoat to the fans and the staff for various reasons. Staph because he down the dc job twice. Once with richt and again with Mandy. Y'all because blah blah blah seems to be the precedence.
Why did he turn it down? Doesn't he want to progress in his career?
Rumph's been known to not being able to read recruit's. His recruiting at the position has been flagrantly bad, and we just dropped a decent CB at a pipeline school in mid November.

What a ridiculous take. As if Rumph made the decision himself, unilaterally, with no consultation.
All y'all hating on Manny, but he is only in the second year of head coaching. He actually coached a good game against NC State based on when and why to go for it. Probably took over defensive calls that game as well to win it(rumor).

Fired everyone you wanted fired on offense this off-season and brought in respectable coaches to replace them.

Brought in a REAL QB.

Lost his best player and clowns who shouldn't have declared for draft.

Is 6-1 meanwhile every other team not named Notre Dame has lost a game they shouldn't have.

Those bashing Manny because of this kid are the same ones who will be cheering for him like y'all did Butch.

Bunch of front running cucks.
Rumph pullin in a 5 star from out of state? Yea im not believing that one wouldve ever happened. Thats like when dudes leavin the club tell you man she said she wouldve came home iwth me if she didnt have to be at work early in the mornin! I dont believe in ifs and buts, but I do believe that Rumph doesnt pick who they send him to recruit

Yeah I don’t believe that **** either bruh like you really expect me to believe Rumph was going to beat out all the bag schools for a 5 star kid when he couldn’t even get a real shot a Cbs he coached in high school
This was her response to comments on the Miami Facebook page, there were lots of he doesn’t want to compete and must be grades comments.

It's sad that y'all come on here trying to Nash my kid because of something that he didn't create. He was the first one that committed to Da U from North western, so he was all in from the start. Clearly y'all minds so small that you would think that it's his fault, yet y'all come on here and try to bash him, his size, his grades & phucking stars, like who cares about stars?? Of y'all onew what my kid went through after he learned of what happened, you'd STFU and respect his decision. Anybody on here that knows my kid, knows he's never scared of competition no matter the size or the stars. Y'all sit and talk about him being bomb, but don't mention the interception he had in the end zone to stop a scoring drive, or the blocked field goal he had. Y'all screaming "I'm not impressed" Well who the **** are u that he has to impress? My son is fine, he's ok, my only wish is that he competes against Da U & make them pay for their decision
Um, does she not realize there are things called trolls out there? I haven’t seen ONE Miami
fan that isn’t upset by this.
That tells you everything you need to know about CIS. People actually believe that **** !!!! 😂😂

Bruh we’ve been struggling at Cb and Lb recruiting...we actually do well at Dline and safety but no one wants to hold Rumph accountable...Manny doesn’t want him/us to be great...yeah ok
IDK what went down with this but the fact is, while Manny likely made the decision, he has filled his recruiting staff with guys who are well connected locally. I would HOPE that they were all involved in examining the possible repercussions of this on important , local relationships.

One of the drawbacks in recruiting only the local kids, especially when you take multiple kids from the same school, is situations like this.

Ironically, the Canes just offered a 2023 WR from Northwestern who told Rivals UGA was his top school. Plans to commit after the season. I know it's 2023, but the point is the same. We shouldn't want to give the local pipeline schools any reason to encourage their kids elsewhere.
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