Things Are Different, But…

I wanted some things to come to fruition before making this post. Clearly, under Mario’s leadership things are different. For a while I’ve complained about the S&C program, & now u’re hearing from our kids’ very own mouths, while trying to be respectful of the old program, admitting both the workouts & nutrition have been more geared towards what they do vs. saying to themselves ‘I can “see’” how this can relate to football.’

We’ve complained about recruiting; being lazy towards certain caliber of players, not having enough eyes out there like a Bama, Clemson, or UGA. Now, we’re seeing the exact opposite, not afraid to aggressively go after top tier talent DESPITE location.

We’ve complained about practices being, too, lax, where coaching wasn’t necessarily done. Brownie points & seniority taking precedence before the first whistle. Now we see guys getting coached up on minor details. Players praising the practices being harder, while seeing our HC, OC, & S&C coaches being right there in the middle, not allowing guys to get away w/ not executing their standards.

Honestly, there’s a lot to be excited for; couple that w/ the fam getting back together & allowed to come through w/ appropriate notice. Media coverage has been WAAAAY better than before. (Shout out to Canesville). Having a great, GREAT AD who comes from a top notch football factory. Having guys on staff w/ NFL credentials, &/or So Fla street cred. Seeing players work their tails out, looking like football players v. high school guys playing at the collegiate level. This has been the most excited I’ve been about the direction of our program since the downfall.

HOWEVER, I wanna swagger jack a partial post from @canesdogo:

“I am convinced that many cane fans will start, bleeting, cussin' and belching, negative crap, when we lose a close game, or a called play does not work out during a crucial game….The big question is........... will our fans give the Canes, Coaches and team a chance to grow and become great, or will impatience win out?.”

This, too, is my concern. We’ve been patiently waiting for 15+ yrs. Let’s be honest, there were & are some serious Mario haters on here, & human nature is sometimes ppl care about being right than being wrong. It’s the sensationalism of saying “Aha, I told u so” vs. seeing what’s best for their program. I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the last 3 hires, however I put on the best pair of O&G glasses for a brief moment to give them a chance. This time, it feels different. It didn’t “feel” different under the previous hires, but like true fans, many convinced ourselves it would b/c we care. Mario 2021 vs Mario 2016 is two different coaches, but make no mistake about it, we r a rebuild & remodel. Some houses just need a coat of paint, while others need the dry rot completely removed & parts renovated. Our house is the latter. So I don’t want the fans who want “Lane Train” to assume in yr 1, if we don’t knock it out the park, we inherited FIU Mario.

Garcia already said it’s been a process learning a new O & D. Pls understand, while we boast some nice, young parts that will be great, we still have holes & ?marks across. That’s not a Mario fault, that’s a previous regime fault. I seen posters say ACCCG or bust, 10+ wins or it’s a failure. U r setting urself up for failure. History shows even the greatest coaches needed 2-3 yrs to right a ship off back on course. So my plead to my fellow Canes fans is to give it just a little time. Our culture has been tarnished, & like any fine jewelry that’s been tarnished, it takes a little time to buff it back to its luster.

It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane, & as Mario said, nothing is done yet. Enjoy what we got cooking, just don’t stick ur head in the pot, too, soon.
Totally agree!
I wanted some things to come to fruition before making this post. Clearly, under Mario’s leadership things are different. For a while I’ve complained about the S&C program, & now u’re hearing from our kids’ very own mouths, while trying to be respectful of the old program, admitting both the workouts & nutrition have been more geared towards what they do vs. saying to themselves ‘I can “see’” how this can relate to football.’

We’ve complained about recruiting; being lazy towards certain caliber of players, not having enough eyes out there like a Bama, Clemson, or UGA. Now, we’re seeing the exact opposite, not afraid to aggressively go after top tier talent DESPITE location.

We’ve complained about practices being, too, lax, where coaching wasn’t necessarily done. Brownie points & seniority taking precedence before the first whistle. Now we see guys getting coached up on minor details. Players praising the practices being harder, while seeing our HC, OC, & S&C coaches being right there in the middle, not allowing guys to get away w/ not executing their standards.

Honestly, there’s a lot to be excited for; couple that w/ the fam getting back together & allowed to come through w/ appropriate notice. Media coverage has been WAAAAY better than before. (Shout out to Canesville). Having a great, GREAT AD who comes from a top notch football factory. Having guys on staff w/ NFL credentials, &/or So Fla street cred. Seeing players work their tails out, looking like football players v. high school guys playing at the collegiate level. This has been the most excited I’ve been about the direction of our program since the downfall.

HOWEVER, I wanna swagger jack a partial post from @canesdogo:

“I am convinced that many cane fans will start, bleeting, cussin' and belching, negative crap, when we lose a close game, or a called play does not work out during a crucial game….The big question is........... will our fans give the Canes, Coaches and team a chance to grow and become great, or will impatience win out?.”

This, too, is my concern. We’ve been patiently waiting for 15+ yrs. Let’s be honest, there were & are some serious Mario haters on here, & human nature is sometimes ppl care about being right than being wrong. It’s the sensationalism of saying “Aha, I told u so” vs. seeing what’s best for their program. I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the last 3 hires, however I put on the best pair of O&G glasses for a brief moment to give them a chance. This time, it feels different. It didn’t “feel” different under the previous hires, but like true fans, many convinced ourselves it would b/c we care. Mario 2021 vs Mario 2016 is two different coaches, but make no mistake about it, we r a rebuild & remodel. Some houses just need a coat of paint, while others need the dry rot completely removed & parts renovated. Our house is the latter. So I don’t want the fans who want “Lane Train” to assume in yr 1, if we don’t knock it out the park, we inherited FIU Mario.

Garcia already said it’s been a process learning a new O & D. Pls understand, while we boast some nice, young parts that will be great, we still have holes & ?marks across. That’s not a Mario fault, that’s a previous regime fault. I seen posters say ACCCG or bust, 10+ wins or it’s a failure. U r setting urself up for failure. History shows even the greatest coaches needed 2-3 yrs to right a ship off back on course. So my plead to my fellow Canes fans is to give it just a little time. Our culture has been tarnished, & like any fine jewelry that’s been tarnished, it takes a little time to buff it back to its luster.

It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane, & as Mario said, nothing is done yet. Enjoy what we got cooking, just don’t stick ur head in the pot, too, soon.
Excellent post as usual, Relly!
But even w/ Schnelly, it didn’t happen over night, ya dig? My guy had to methodically strip away Suntan U. Fortunately, this is not what Schnelly inherited. We have holes, but it’s not detrimental. Regardless, if we won less than 10 games, it wouldn’t come as a shocker or surprise. Honestly, it would shock me if we did win 10+ games after the chit show Mario inherited.
My point with Schnelly was that he surprised the CFB world with his transformation of a program that was never on anybody’s radar. Mario’s challenge is different yet certainly not insurmountable - especially with the infusion of re$ource$ never before seen at Miami.

I’ve always been conservative with my expectations. I don’t like the taste of crow and setting unrealistic bars magnifies any disappointment/s.
Vince Lombardi took the job as HC for an awful Packers team in 1959. In 1960 they lost a close title game to Eagles but after that they ruled the 60's winning title after title after title. Chuck Noll took over a bad Steelers team in 1969 but 5 years later they won the first of 4 titles in the 70's. Building a championship team takes time and effort. I will be the first to admit that I am rolling the dice for an ACCCG appearance this year. That may or may not happen, but I know the mindset and culture of this team is changing into something that IMO, we have not seen since around 1998. I really wish the past 15+ years never happened but as I said months ago, many great dynasties, (Yankees, Cowboys, Celtics, just to name a few) when through something similar only to get back to the mountaintop. With everything FINALLY in place at every level, I believe Miami will be too.
Agreed 100% @Rellyrell if we can stack a few key transfers I see the upside case. But at this point I think we’re a 9-3 team. Well articulated and grateful for the post.
9-3 is a good start. I think people should watch to see how we maintain our competitive edge. If we go into a$m and lose okay, let’s make sure we give them a ****** game.……and with a little time we will start to win those types of games.
I agree with this.

I don't think it's unreasonable to set the expectation at 9 wins though. The thing that would be unreasonable is if we only win 8 to then act like the sky is falling or that not having day 1 on field success means we're screwed in the future.

Personally I think we absolutely can get 10 wins this year. But only an idiot would be ****ed if we only get 8... Long-term anyone that isn't excited (regardless this seasons results) literally isn't actually a fan, that's how objectively better the future of this program looks compared to anything the last 2 decades.
The hype isn't just because we hired Mario but is that the U has decided we needed to invest more via the Herbie rant. Herbie got the ball rolling and I doubt Mario would be here except for the investments being made to hire better coaches, improve facilities. It takes financial backing to accomplish it. I am thrilled we have an experienced coach and that he himself along with his hires are all top notch recruiters and solid teachers. I thought Richt would do well except he refused to change QB coach then Manny had a bad hire at OC that surprised everyone since at the time it seemed to be a great hire, Manny quickly got that solved. Manny was handicapped when it came to the finances versus what the U has now. I thank Herbie for exposing our lack of dedication and for alum stepping up. We are in great shape to start winning titles and these changes have expedited the timeframe. That is a good thing and with our talent I expect 2022 to have a competitive system. We have the coaches, we have the backing, we have more fans back and the best QB.
What if herbie didn’t get the ball rolling, what if he was just a set up for what was already rolling.
Great post man. The atmosphere with Mario is electrifying due to the hype created by some good decisions. It will get toxic after the first loss. All we can hope for is the success he had at Oregon or even better. One thing is certain, future recruiting classes are going to be monsters that Canes fans haven't seen in decades.
I agree mostly but I certainly don't think Mario came here to just do what he did at Oregon. I think that Miami has built in advantages that Oregon could never hope to have. Also the staff he has put together here dwarfs the staffs he had at Oregon. Mario came here to build us into a national power similar to what Georgia, Clemson, Ohio St and yes even Alabama have. I don't think it will happen overnight for obvious reasons and the reasons stated by @Rellyrell but that is the goal and I am extremely optimistic about our future for reasons that have already been discussed such as AD, Staff, infrastructure, financial commitment etc...It has always been known and said that if UM would make the requisite commitment to football and spend the money, hire the staff etc ..that because of our location and already established brand, that we would be a serious threat to the college football establishment and quickly rise back to elite status. Well, we have made that commitment and I am confident that the long term results will be what we have been waiting for.
I wanted some things to come to fruition before making this post. Clearly, under Mario’s leadership things are different. For a while I’ve complained about the S&C program, & now u’re hearing from our kids’ very own mouths, while trying to be respectful of the old program, admitting both the workouts & nutrition have been more geared towards what they do vs. saying to themselves ‘I can “see’” how this can relate to football.’

We’ve complained about recruiting; being lazy towards certain caliber of players, not having enough eyes out there like a Bama, Clemson, or UGA. Now, we’re seeing the exact opposite, not afraid to aggressively go after top tier talent DESPITE location.

We’ve complained about practices being, too, lax, where coaching wasn’t necessarily done. Brownie points & seniority taking precedence before the first whistle. Now we see guys getting coached up on minor details. Players praising the practices being harder, while seeing our HC, OC, & S&C coaches being right there in the middle, not allowing guys to get away w/ not executing their standards.

Honestly, there’s a lot to be excited for; couple that w/ the fam getting back together & allowed to come through w/ appropriate notice. Media coverage has been WAAAAY better than before. (Shout out to Canesville). Having a great, GREAT AD who comes from a top notch football factory. Having guys on staff w/ NFL credentials, &/or So Fla street cred. Seeing players work their tails out, looking like football players v. high school guys playing at the collegiate level. This has been the most excited I’ve been about the direction of our program since the downfall.

HOWEVER, I wanna swagger jack a partial post from @canesdogo:

“I am convinced that many cane fans will start, bleeting, cussin' and belching, negative crap, when we lose a close game, or a called play does not work out during a crucial game….The big question is........... will our fans give the Canes, Coaches and team a chance to grow and become great, or will impatience win out?.”

This, too, is my concern. We’ve been patiently waiting for 15+ yrs. Let’s be honest, there were & are some serious Mario haters on here, & human nature is sometimes ppl care about being right than being wrong. It’s the sensationalism of saying “Aha, I told u so” vs. seeing what’s best for their program. I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the last 3 hires, however I put on the best pair of O&G glasses for a brief moment to give them a chance. This time, it feels different. It didn’t “feel” different under the previous hires, but like true fans, many convinced ourselves it would b/c we care. Mario 2021 vs Mario 2016 is two different coaches, but make no mistake about it, we r a rebuild & remodel. Some houses just need a coat of paint, while others need the dry rot completely removed & parts renovated. Our house is the latter. So I don’t want the fans who want “Lane Train” to assume in yr 1, if we don’t knock it out the park, we inherited FIU Mario.

Garcia already said it’s been a process learning a new O & D. Pls understand, while we boast some nice, young parts that will be great, we still have holes & ?marks across. That’s not a Mario fault, that’s a previous regime fault. I seen posters say ACCCG or bust, 10+ wins or it’s a failure. U r setting urself up for failure. History shows even the greatest coaches needed 2-3 yrs to right a ship off back on course. So my plead to my fellow Canes fans is to give it just a little time. Our culture has been tarnished, & like any fine jewelry that’s been tarnished, it takes a little time to buff it back to its luster.

It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane, & as Mario said, nothing is done yet. Enjoy what we got cooking, just don’t stick ur head in the pot, too, soon.
We Are Gonna Do It Duck Dynasty GIF by DefyTV

fake GIF
Great post @Rellyrell well said and stated mate. I’m not going to predict any win/loss record right now, especially with so many kids out for the Spring who are missing valuable coaching and developing unfortunately. I’m just happy we have Mario, that he’s put together a massively well done coaching staff, and that the young men are all buying into what his vision is for the program, while putting in the hard effort to help turn this ship around. Hopefully Mario shows great progression with how we play both offensively and defensively which when added up means more dubs than losses. As others already stated, it is a night and day difference in the amount of resources Miami is willing to spend and obtain that coupled with Mario, the new staff, and the players will help turn this sleeping giant awake and put the fear into all of the top programs around CFB.
My point with Schnelly was that he surprised the CFB world with his transformation of a program that was never on anybody’s radar. Mario’s challenge is different yet certainly not insurmountable - especially with the infusion of re$ource$ never before seen at Miami.

I’ve always been conservative with my expectations. I don’t like the taste of crow and setting unrealistic bars magnifies any disappointment/s.

My fault; my reply wasn’t really towards u, but just highlighting another example of how a great coach needed some time to change the culture. There’s way too many examples of it needing a couple of yrs to change culture vs. microwave results. Honestly, I can’t think of any rebuilds that happened immediately. I’m sure there are some, but those appear to be more anomalies v. the norm. That’s y I have great expectations for the program, as a whole, but have realistic expectations for the upcoming season.
I wanted some things to come to fruition before making this post. Clearly, under Mario’s leadership things are different. For a while I’ve complained about the S&C program, & now u’re hearing from our kids’ very own mouths, while trying to be respectful of the old program, admitting both the workouts & nutrition have been more geared towards what they do vs. saying to themselves ‘I can “see’” how this can relate to football.’

We’ve complained about recruiting; being lazy towards certain caliber of players, not having enough eyes out there like a Bama, Clemson, or UGA. Now, we’re seeing the exact opposite, not afraid to aggressively go after top tier talent DESPITE location.

We’ve complained about practices being, too, lax, where coaching wasn’t necessarily done. Brownie points & seniority taking precedence before the first whistle. Now we see guys getting coached up on minor details. Players praising the practices being harder, while seeing our HC, OC, & S&C coaches being right there in the middle, not allowing guys to get away w/ not executing their standards.

Honestly, there’s a lot to be excited for; couple that w/ the fam getting back together & allowed to come through w/ appropriate notice. Media coverage has been WAAAAY better than before. (Shout out to Canesville). Having a great, GREAT AD who comes from a top notch football factory. Having guys on staff w/ NFL credentials, &/or So Fla street cred. Seeing players work their tails out, looking like football players v. high school guys playing at the collegiate level. This has been the most excited I’ve been about the direction of our program since the downfall.

HOWEVER, I wanna swagger jack a partial post from @canesdogo:

“I am convinced that many cane fans will start, bleeting, cussin' and belching, negative crap, when we lose a close game, or a called play does not work out during a crucial game….The big question is........... will our fans give the Canes, Coaches and team a chance to grow and become great, or will impatience win out?.”

This, too, is my concern. We’ve been patiently waiting for 15+ yrs. Let’s be honest, there were & are some serious Mario haters on here, & human nature is sometimes ppl care about being right than being wrong. It’s the sensationalism of saying “Aha, I told u so” vs. seeing what’s best for their program. I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the last 3 hires, however I put on the best pair of O&G glasses for a brief moment to give them a chance. This time, it feels different. It didn’t “feel” different under the previous hires, but like true fans, many convinced ourselves it would b/c we care. Mario 2021 vs Mario 2016 is two different coaches, but make no mistake about it, we r a rebuild & remodel. Some houses just need a coat of paint, while others need the dry rot completely removed & parts renovated. Our house is the latter. So I don’t want the fans who want “Lane Train” to assume in yr 1, if we don’t knock it out the park, we inherited FIU Mario.

Garcia already said it’s been a process learning a new O & D. Pls understand, while we boast some nice, young parts that will be great, we still have holes & ?marks across. That’s not a Mario fault, that’s a previous regime fault. I seen posters say ACCCG or bust, 10+ wins or it’s a failure. U r setting urself up for failure. History shows even the greatest coaches needed 2-3 yrs to right a ship off back on course. So my plead to my fellow Canes fans is to give it just a little time. Our culture has been tarnished, & like any fine jewelry that’s been tarnished, it takes a little time to buff it back to its luster.

It’s great to be a Miami Hurricane, & as Mario said, nothing is done yet. Enjoy what we got cooking, just don’t stick ur head in the pot, too, soon.
Awesome post! Just be careful swiping anything from that ketchup on a hotdog lovin @canesdogo. Man like that has to be monitored at all times.
I agree mostly but I certainly don't think Mario came here to just do what he did at Oregon. I think that Miami has built in advantages that Oregon could never hope to have. Also the staff he has put together here dwarfs the staffs he had at Oregon. Mario came here to build us into a national power similar to what Georgia, Clemson, Ohio St and yes even Alabama have. I don't think it will happen overnight for obvious reasons and the reasons stated by @Rellyrell but that is the goal and I am extremely optimistic about our future for reasons that have already been discussed such as AD, Staff, infrastructure, financial commitment etc...It has always been known and said that if UM would make the requisite commitment to football and spend the money, hire the staff etc ..that because of our location and already established brand, that we would be a serious threat to the college football establishment and quickly rise back to elite status. Well, we have made that commitment and I am confident that the long term results will be what we have been waiting for.

And what u posted is why it feels different. Previously, we were putting on tacky lipstick on a pig…the pig was still a **** poor AD. Now? We have a great AD, and the infrastructure have done a 180 turn. That’s why it feels different.
I think a lot of people are saying the same thing but not recognizing it as the same. On the one side you have people claiming, as Rellyrell noted, ACC championship or bust. On the other hand you have people arguing that the program was in such poor shape that it needs 3 years before we should expect great things, and we should temper expectations. But those statements are not far off from each other in terms of wins and losses.

The fact is that other than Clemson there are no teams in the ACC in position to win 10 games With their current rosters. Which means that 9-3 or possibly even 8-4 results in a team reaching the ACC title game on the coastal side. And I think everyone believes that 8-4 or 9-3 are achievable records considering that UM’s only significant personnel losses (though they are significant) are at wide receiver. And with TVD at quarterback all season, most reasonably believe that alone will result in 1 more win. Then add in the losses at quarterback by Pitt and UNC, the continued problems at G-tech and V-tech and Duke, and UM may well win 2 more games. Armstrong is returning to UVA so that maybe the toughest competition in the Coastal. Never underestimate the value of the QB position.

What this all adds up to is that the slurpers are arguing that next season UM will win 9 or 10 games, and the mopes are arguing UM will win 8 or 9 games. These positions are obviously not far apart. So yes some people will freak out over a loss, and some will overly praise a win, but in the end we all expect some losses and enough wins to compete for the Coastal championship.
I can already tell who are going to flip out. It’s the people saying anything less than 10 wins is a failure. It’s people claiming they shouldn’t have to lower expectations. It’s the people who expect that we sweep the coastal because we upgraded every position on staff.

It RARELY works that way. This team won 7 games last year and has only known a substandard staff. Depth is not there either, and injuries will happen every season.

We are on the right track and we finally need not put blind faith in inexperienced coaches.

First year is clean up. Rebuild. I’m not demanding squat. If Mario keeps landing blue chips, we will be good after his depth chart is filled with his own players.

As for the haters calling to fuel the plane? Eat a bag of d$&@, because this school is not firing Mario for a very long time. Get comfy and used to Mario being our coach.