The Valentine Drama continues....

We gotta stop with these threads, this is sadly for suspense because A NSD decision is nothig without it. Wish we had a real chance but we dont
He's building a larger audience to watch him light a dumpster full of Miami hats on fire.

It's over. Let it go.
Why so serious, he's just trollin the 305 for drama

The guy blew off the u for his official visit and you guys think he is 50/50?

No one here says they believe he's 50/50. HE said he's 50/50. Which is a bit different than the "leaning to LSU" he publically said before. Hence the "drama" continuing.
When is he supposed to go home? Today... wtf

My bad. I misread the article. He said he decided to go visit his mom over the weekend instead of taking the UM OV. He said he's going to CALL his mom tonight to discuss what to do.
I hope I'm wrong and we land him. But there are certain kids that you take their word, then you throw it out the window. Keith Bryant was that kid last year. I think TV is that kid this year.
TV says the scheme is why he doesn't like Miami

CAPS4LIFE: He's so full of ****. Lockdown mode, bought and paid for.

TV says it's 50/50 between LSU and Miami

CAPS4LIFE: Welp, there it is, straight from the horse's mouth.

Then LSU must be very nervous about only having a 50/50 chance of getting TV. Their staff and fans must be thoroughly agitated,
