The dust has settled...UNC and the big picture

Mario needs a win this weekend in the very biggest way. However, at the end of the day, "Scoreboard" is all that counts. What I mean is, even if we lose to UNC, but rally and win the rest, we'll be 10-2 and have the track record and success to finish with a top 10 recruiting class, setting us up for next year. And, I keep getting the feeling that with the stout QB class and his underperformance against GT, plus just a gut feeling, I wouldn't be surprised if TVD stay for one more year and we made a legit run for the playoffs.


Mario has lost the locker room because of an historically stupid decision and he is dead man walking (eventually).

I'm an optimist, so I'm still hoping for the 10-2 finish. Do that and when all of the ribbing and jokes subside, the program is headed in the right direction. We'll be fine and won't need a new HC. We'll see...
We ain't losing tomorrow
I respect Rosier for doing the best he could, and I wasn't mad at him for being the QB.

The fact is he wasn't good, and he was our weakest link. His inability to consistently make throws cost us wins and made our offense more predictable.

I think that is a fair conclusion to arrive at based on the results and his film. Even in wins his play was average at best.
Our weakest link? With head cases, corners getting toasted regularly because they never learned how to turn on a ball in high school, defenders taking bad angles, guys dropping balls, etc.

Come on, man, 10 wins for an underachiever for the first time in decades, who I agree was inconsistent and not very good. But again, the HC told him he'd never start at Q, and all the guys the HC told would, bailed out on their team because they couldn't follow team rules as (supposedly) D-1 athletes. You need to be consistent in identifying the weak and not ignore the performance of guys who were supposed to be stars but underperformed. It's easy to blame him, but I played the game, and I'd take a guy like him any day over unmotivated talent.

And what Canes fan wouldn't take another 10 win season with a below average QB in the last 20 years, rather than these Ground Hog Day posts of "We can win 10 games if..."