The board of trustees with the middle finger to us all.

Tweeted Lemonis & Esptein about this crap as well. Like I said, would be nice to have a comprehensive list of twitter handles, e-mails, phone numbers, etc. I don't think the BOT or the staff have a right to run away from the fans on their ****** decision making.
We have 1 bowl win in the last 13 years..... ONE!!!!!! :stephenahand: :jordan: :muscat::sanford2::qft9gew: Face it, we suck. Can't get better until we address reality. If we gave a **** everyone would be removed.... The BOT included.
Its too bad Jeffrey Epstein's killer didn't have to work his way down a list like The Terminator.

Epstein, James, and Diaz are the football equivalent of the axis of evil.
Post of the year. Will be for a while. No one on this board will beat this one for a while.
Action oriented. :pgdead:

Ah, you must not be in a circle of people who attended college. When people say they went to school "for nothing", it means they didn't have to pay anything.

Honest mistake. Don't beat yourself up over it.
You do realize when you say that it is a good investment when you go to Miami for nothing, like that is not the exception to the rule, 1) you sound like an idiot, 2) show you are woefully unaware of what goes into the decisions that the vast majority of students have to make, and 3) why the person bringing up FSU is entirely valid.

Mods, can you please ban this Hecht shill distracting from the issue and enemy at hand. @RVACane get him.
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We're not M.I.T., but UM grads go into the workforce with a fighting chance.
I live in North Carolina. Travel up the east coast hiring sales and engineers. I can promise you, if someone sees University of Miami it holds no significant draw. People think University of (Insert City) and immediately look past that resume until they see Elon, Duke, or at least a “State” institution.

I love Miami as much as the rest, but perception is perception. The one thing I can say is that graduating from UM almost automatically brings up a football discussion at least in the mid Atlantic.

These elitist liberals like Marcus Lemonade who tell trump supporters not to by RV’s from his company are complete co** gobblers. I guess this is it as long as people who “Only take and not create” run the University
I can truly say I am glad I’m not on Twitter. I would be block and or investigated for some of the things I would say to lemonade and Jeffery Epstein’s little brother