The bigger picture from last nights debacle.....

Waking up sick to my stomach is never fun & I don't drink anymore! As stunning and ridiculous as the ending of this game was. This nonsense started at the 4th & 4 with a ******* WR screen (Really!!!?) on the first drive. We looked (esp TVD) so outta sink on O all night.....what the F happened over the by week? Why did our O look so dramatically different and lost. The play calling after the Williams int was terrible and after the FG. I texted my brother back to predict we'd lose 24-20 because of it, caused by the D going for the kill shot only to give up a TD with the game ending with TVD's 4th int. Not perfect but close enough. Can anyone rationally explain what happened not just at the end and but thru the whole game. I mean seriously what gives? I am to the point where I feel like we may never be back in natty discussions ever again. This program has been a shell of itself for many years now but, the debacle we witnessed last night might have taken the last breath from the dying corpse that was CANE football. I could rationalize the ending (well no not really) if this was a toe to toe fight....say unc, clemson. fsu but gt? Give some some serious responses here on why or how this happens in a game like this.

The natty discussions have been over. We will never be that 2001 team and before again. College Football has changed a lot since then. My question is can we become a good football progam. We have been 5-7, 6-6 and 7-5 11 out of the last 16 years. Get us to being good and I'll take that. Mario gotta learn from last night cause we should be here 5-0 and discussing wtf happen to our offense instead of now facing 4-3 with a oh boy here we go again at 7-5 or 6-6