The Balls of Ole Saban

Saban's balls were massaged by referees. What a crooked game. I don't think refs are "paid off" but I think what happened to UGA is the other side of the coin for what happened to us against Wisconsin. Most of the refs are old enough to remember the asskickings Miami used to lay on the blue bloods of college football. I'm guessing they watch the Cotton Bowl massacre at referee school as the definitive "do not let teams do this" lesson. Refs (especially SEC refs) are always going to be biased against Miami, which is how you "miss" UM players getting clotheslined and getting de-pantsed by defenders. In the Baga-UGA game, the refs aren't kept in hermetically sealed bubbles. They know that Bama is the favorite and supposed to easily outclass UGA- so when the UGA is rolling Baga, something has to be fishy so they get laser focused on seeing what UGA is doing that could possibly explain the discrepancy. Something has to give, so the extra scrutiny on UGA meant less focus on Baga. That's how you start "seeing" offsides where there isn't any and missing Baga players grabbing facemasks and punching people.
Dolphins brass didn’t allow Saban to draft or have a say in the drafting process and that infuriated him and he bounced

LOL...look at buddy makin' $h!t up:

On June 6, 2005 Mueller was hired as the general manager for the Miami Dolphins. Because then head coach Nick Saban had the final say on all roster moves, unlike most NFL general managers Mueller did not have control over player personnel decisions. After Saban's departure in January 2007, Mueller's authority increased as he took over responsibility for player personnel decisions.
Saban's balls were massaged by referees. What a crooked game. I don't think refs are "paid off" but I think what happened to UGA is the other side of the coin for what happened to us against Wisconsin. Most of the refs are old enough to remember the asskickings Miami used to lay on the blue bloods of college football. I'm guessing they watch the Cotton Bowl massacre at referee school as the definitive "do not let teams do this" lesson. Refs (especially SEC refs) are always going to be biased against Miami, which is how you "miss" UM players getting clotheslined and getting de-pantsed by defenders. In the Baga-UGA game, the refs aren't kept in hermetically sealed bubbles. They know that Bama is the favorite and supposed to easily outclass UGA- so when the UGA is rolling Baga, something has to be fishy so they get laser focused on seeing what UGA is doing that could possibly explain the discrepancy. Something has to give, so the extra scrutiny on UGA meant less focus on Baga. That's how you start "seeing" offsides where there isn't any and missing Baga players grabbing facemasks and punching people.

I don't know about all that. That receiver from UGA stepped out of bounds and it wasn't overturned.
Some of the dirty cheap shots that Bama was getting away with during the title game were egregious. If a Miami player had tackled the opponents quarterback and proceeded to shove his head down while getting up, he would have gotten ejected from the game. Baga player does it and the ref doesn't even throw a flag.
Let's be real, there's nothing in particular Nick Saban does that makes you say "**** that coach is great" besides signing the best recruiting class every year. I'd like to see him run that offense and defense at a mid tier school. He'd get his **** pushed in every week. Everything Bama does on offense and defense is predicated on them having the best possible athletes at every position. There's no innovative scheme behind anything they do, it's literally "our guy is going to beat your guy one on one and there's nothing you can do about it". If anything, Saban has a tendency to be too conservative since his defense will almost always bail him out. I will give him credit for recruiting the best guys every year. They somehow (lol) manage to sign class after class of five star super athletes.

Stop being so bitter and JEALOUS of Saban and Roll Tide. Because arguably speaking Saban is the best head coach since the late great Paul Bear Bryant retired.:thumbsup_kid: hUh.
Once again Saban proves that when given unlimited resources he is a fantastic coach. Equal playing field (NFL), not so much.

Saban's second go around as NFL HC would probably go leaps and bounds better than his first.

Where Saban was as a HC in 2005 is totally different than where he is in 2018.

It would be a Pete Carroll situation all over again.

Good point, and that was my point in wanting butch so bad over Richt. The thing is though people on here do not believe that a coach gets better in time, they think butch would ne the exact same coach as he was in 2000. They don't believe that he could have possibly gotten better from his very first hc gig to now which is just simple minded. We DO know one thing for sure however, he would stack this team with first rounders in a dam hurry, and DL would be insane. Look at that group at UNC, and that's a dam basketball school. One more thing I am sure of with butch, the instinct, when he gets you down he's gonna stomp on ya, ala Jimmy where he got it, MR I am not that sure about that instinct, that was uga fans gripe and they may ne right. You don't develop that its in ya or it ain't and I don't are it. MR is too nice a guy, you gotta have that mean streak man, then your players will start to follow suit

Yeah. CMR has a tendency NOT to shame an opponent and RUN UP the score and all that. Heck, he ordered the offense to BURN CLOCK, in the fourth quarter, against both Va. Tech and mighty Notre Dame.
Dolphins brass didn’t allow Saban to draft or have a say in the drafting process and that infuriated him and he bounced

LOL...look at buddy makin' $h!t up:

On June 6, 2005 Mueller was hired as the general manager for the Miami Dolphins. Because then head coach Nick Saban had the final say on all roster moves, unlike most NFL general managers Mueller did not have control over player personnel decisions. After Saban's departure in January 2007, Mueller's authority increased as he took over responsibility for player personnel decisions.
Say what you want, but I know it’s the truth. I’ll give you a perfect example when Nick Saban did everything(he flew to meet with brees, flew him to Miami for dinner even) in his power to get Drew Brees and it’s a known fact that was reported by the herald(look up”Full story of why Brees isn’t a dolphin”)that brees wanted to play in Miami for Saban. Medical personnel didn’t agree w saban but he still wanted brees and the brass chose Culpepper because medical professionals said he was less of a risk. That got Nicky extremely hot and we know what happened right.