That's Great! We Got a 9-10 Win Coach.

Hire could have been much worse, but I don't buy that it will be any easier for Richt to win (a championship) here than it was in Georgia. He will still have a juggernaught in his way every single year, led by a coach who as achieved greater success than he has, and has recruited players equally as talented.

you can tell the rookie fans, because they look at Miami and Georgia at the same level, so they equate that his ceiling at GA is his ceiling at Miami... Here's a phucking news break to you poor children raised in mediocrity... Miami's ceiling is shared with 3-4 other programs, USC, Alabama, Oklahoma, and maybe (FSU/UF)... Just like Butch davis could win only 8 in NC and dominate here, Mark Richt (given other factors especially staff) can win 9 or 10 every year in GA and **** diarrhea spray all over everyone at Miami.. Once we all get out of the mind frame that UGA and Miami have the same ceiling, then we can start understanding that a guy like Richt can still do better
[MENTION=2370]CaneTheGaytors[/MENTION] and [MENTION=592]UMFarArcher[/MENTION]

Jimmy went from having one 8 win season to having championships at Miami. This place is special when it has a good coach.
I could throw up.

Richt is about as flat as a sheet of plywood. Good coach, not real good.


All the new school fans are celebrating this ****. How far and fast the mighty have fallen, Arch.

These dudes don't have a clue!

9-10 wins yearly is their hope and dream.

They have been fully Goldenized.

That bytch Shalala got her wish.

I am as old school as anyone on this board having gone to Canes games for 52 years and I have MORE THAN A CLUE I am happy with the hire you young snot😝

Your not happy, your desperate for Miami to not be the joke of college football anymore.
Everybody keeps saying how he wins 9-10 games a season. Is that the goal now at Miami?

We have been forever stained with the low expectations participation mentality that Golden and Blake have brought to Miami.

I remember when our goal was to go undefeated every year. A 9-10 win seasons means 3-4 losses a season. Is that our goal now? I remember being ****ed off if we loss 2 games in a year. Golden has lowered the bar so much that people are going nuts b/c we have a coach that loses 3 to 4 times a season. gtfoh

And fk everybody who keeps saying "well we havent had that success at Miami in a long time". so because we sucked for 10 years we shouldnt strive to be the best? we just want to be a little better than we were before? fkin loser mentality has plagued this university what a shame