Thank you College Gameday

I’m going full mope here. I’ve said it for almost 2 weeks now. If Blake ain’t outta here in before the bye week it’s the beginning of the end of this program as a potential winner of anything and then end of being called a football school. I don’t even think the acc is gonna want to be giving out checks to a school that’s just sitting there collecting them. We literally don’t compete in any sport and the school is benefiting from it to the tune of millions of dollars per year.
I watched wake forest last night look better than us. WAKE FCKNG FOREST!!!
We’ve been sold a dream. Building champions my ***. Stealing money is what they should call it.
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For all the **** this board loves to spew on Barry Jackson he really is the only actual reporter in Miami sports media. Glad to see that article raised eyebrows across the country because it was one of the most infuriating pieces I have ever read.

Hopefully this turns the heat up on Blake and gets him fired when the Mindy Project inevitably bombs hard this season.
The problem has always been the elitist don’t want to be known as a football school. They’ve always fought against it. This has always been the battle.

Like Duke being a basketball school but still seen as more elite than Miami academically? Notre Dame too? Both schools in the same conference? How dumb that the admin cant see you can do both.