Thad Franklin

He isn't Miami caliber and I think the staff is cooling to him. We'll end up signing a top back this cycle and it won't be him.

There is no logic to this statement whatsoever. First of all, he had an elite season last year. Second, there would be no evidence to 'cool' on him. There have been no camps or 7 on 7 tournaments to judge kids on. Just hudl film, which Miami had access to and reviewed before pushing for his commitment twice...
There is no logic to this statement whatsoever. First of all, he had an elite season last year. Second, there would be no evidence to 'cool' on him. There have been no camps or 7 on 7 tournaments to judge kids on. Just hudl film, which Miami had access to and reviewed before pushing for his commitment twice...
They better not try a third time if he bails. Manny doesn't have any balls so I wouldn't be surprised.
They better not try a third time if he bails. Manny doesn't have any balls so I wouldn't be surprised.

The rare triple cvck? Well, it was recently pulled off by Judas Francois, however that was with Panda Express as the primary slapd!ck cvckhold.
I don't know if Hickson has that level of slapd!ck cvckhold in him, but it looks like we may just find out.
I’ve been watching a lot of old games from the late 80’s and early 90’s on YouTube because frankly, I’ve got a lot of time on my hands. One thing I’ve noticed specifically is that the “State of Miami” has been really overblown by fans over the years. On most of those all time great teams, there was a ton of out of state guys and guys from north of the lake. I’d say of the 22 starters on offense and defense on average, maybe 6 or 7 were local guys. For example, I was watching the infamous 91 cotton bowl and the only starters on offense from the tri county area were Randall Hill and Craig Erickson.
I’ve been watching a lot of old games from the late 80’s and early 90’s on YouTube because frankly, I’ve got a lot of time on my hands. One thing I’ve noticed specifically is that the “State of Miami” has been really overblown by fans over the years. On most of those all time great teams, there was a ton of out of state guys and guys from north of the lake. I’d say of the 22 starters on offense and defense on average, maybe 6 or 7 were local guys. For example, I was watching the infamous 91 cotton bowl and the only starters on offense from the tri county area were Randall Hill and Craig Erickson.

Look at our last national championship team
I'm not sure how you're defining "geographic region," but Alabaga and Clemson do not field championship teams with rosters stacked with kids from TusKKKaloosa, AL or Clemson, SC or the immediate areas surrounding either.

It's disingenuous to talk about us needing to stack our team with South Florida guys within 50 miles of our campus but then to ignore that the top 2 programs don't do that. And neither does Ohio Taint.

How far from campus do you think the average Clemson player went to high school?
UGA practically signed half there class from outside of Georgia this year. The top schools will go wherever if a player shows an interest. We need to spread a wider net in my opinion.

What states did they come from?

There’s three factors in recruiting:

1. Geographic proximity to talent.
2. Money/facilities
3. Sellers on the trail

You don’t have to check all the boxes, although SEC teams doing that is why they dominate college football.
But if you’re weak in one area, you better be strong in the others.
We are weak in input 2. We are strongest in input 1. It makes no sense to fold that.

Clemson can go a few hours away into GA and land Lawrence. Because they have elite sellers and elite facilities. And a few hours isn’t that far away. It’s crazy to think we are going to spend our limited resources and go into GA and pull the top players that the more localized, and more financially stacked local teams want.
It’s South Florida or bust. We have been sucking in South Florida, so we’ve been busting.
There is no logic to this statement whatsoever. First of all, he had an elite season last year. Second, there would be no evidence to 'cool' on him. There have been no camps or 7 on 7 tournaments to judge kids on. Just hudl film, which Miami had access to and reviewed before pushing for his commitment twice...
Lots of logic. Show me in his film where he's making any Chaney/Knighton type moves? It's all stright ahead through huge holes ala Lingard.
UGA practically signed half there class from outside of Georgia this year. The top schools will go wherever if a player shows an interest. We need to spread a wider net in my opinion.
**** yes. Prior staffs and this staff to a lessor extent were/are scared to leave SFLA. Look at the past where we pulled top talent from around the country and won big.
**** yes. Prior staffs and this staff to a lessor extent were/are scared to leave SFLA. Look at the past where we pulled top talent from around the country and won big.
We just need the studs from sfla mixed with OOS studs. That a recipe for domination
He isn't Miami caliber and I think the staff is cooling to him. We'll end up signing a top back this cycle and it won't be him.
They might be looking to go after guys more like Adrian Killings from UCF. Our offense might be changing the type of players we recruit. At least at rb anyways.
I feel like I'm the only one who thinks the kid isn't all that. I get worried when kids that already are at college growth dominating HS players. He looks maxed out to me
Lots of mileage on him.. I agree if he bolts.. window closed and take him off the recruiting board.