Terrel Brooks to Baylor......

Arkansas aside, I'd take it as serious insult if Baylor pulled a player we told "please join us as a Hurricane." Either **** has frozen over or the staff said we couldn't take him at this time. **** hasn't frozen over yet, not until 11PM or so tomorrow anyway.

or maybe because baylor has been more relevant than us lately.

or maybe because he's from texas.

or maybe because they're about to get an amazing stadium in 2014.

or maybe a combination of everything above.

I remember you, how about that Stephen Morris?
Hmm, I want to believe the positive spin on this, but I thought we had established that a JUCO DT has nothing to do with the HS DTs' decisions.
Ferman only had him at 96%.

This is a LIE. Ferman was all over this, he moved him down to 90% from 96% earlier. Clearly Ferman knew he was not coming. Later he will tell us how he knew all along that he wasnt coming.
Why was everyone so sure we were getting this guy? Never got the feeling he wanted to be a cane, but hopefully we can land Bostwick and Bryant.
a freak out may be in order in the near future, but now is certainly not the time. maybe after about 11 AM or so.......... This may actually be good news. Im pretty sure Brooks would be here if had the chance from the way he was talking. Maybe we will be surprised with good news tomorrow and that squeezed Brooks out
He must know the Canes are getting Bostwick and or Keef, and chose to go somewhere he could play. That's got to be the reason.