T-Rob Hired!!

It would strike me as odd if T-Rob took the position knowing Baker was still going to call plays. Maybe musical chairs in play - if Patke and his 400k salary (!) to be ST coach moves on, then Baker can go to ST coach and Miami gets a new DC. I can live with that.
Patke and Baker need to go. Manny gets him a can’t miss Defensive back coach. You can’t dilute that with below average coaches. Cleaning house is the only way to really move forward.
He's got a good thing going at Pitt. I don't think he's going anywhere unless it's to become a DC
Only reason I could see to leave is because Narduzzi is on the hot seat. This is probably a make or break year for him. Pickett coming back probably helps that. But if you’re CP, might be a good time to ditch the sinking Narduzzi ship.
I love it now fire Patke and Baker. Give Lockette ST, Partridge DL (would be ok with KP). Go get a proven DC (TCU guy maybe, Lupoi, or spent body like that) and I also think it would be best to let T Rob handle the entire secondary. We need a full time lbers coach. Our backers are so far behind where they need to be. No more double duty for that position and f*** no to Baker staying to coach them either.
I'm here brother. I made a vow during the UNC game not to post another booty gif until Baker was told to go home and get his shinebox. Granted it was meaningless message board ****-posting, but I'm man of my word.

This is great news, I'm psyched about the T-Rob hire. Let's see how the rest of the staff moves and portal work out, maybe enough good news can pull me from the verge of mope purgatory and I'll Crack open the vault.


you over thinking it lol