Off-Topic Stock Market & Crypto Discussion

growth equals moderate inflation. We do not have runaway inflation. Our inflation rate is relatively low in the 3% range and below wage growth.
The slowing global economy will eventually slow our economy down. Consumers will stop buying products that are too expensive, driving those prices down.

Inflation in the latest round was
Car Insurance- required (can't stop buying)
Car repairs- lots of people need them
Housing- last I checked we are way under demand and higher rates are killing new supply, especially in Multi-family.
From the WSJ:

Stock portfolios at large pension funds had a blockbuster run. Now, managers are cashing out. Corporate pension funds are shifting money into bonds. State and local government funds are swapping stocks for alternative investments. The nation’s largest public pension, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, is planning to move close to $25 billion out of equities and into private equity and private debt, The WSJ reports. For pension funds, which target specific investment returns to fund future obligations, this is a welcome change: It means they can take less risk and stay on track toward those goals. They can sell stocks, lock in price gains and move the money into bonds without sacrificing too much return. Or they can continue to push for higher returns without taking on much more risk.
Inflation in the latest round was
Car Insurance- required (can't stop buying)
Car repairs- lots of people need them
Housing- last I checked we are way under demand and higher rates are killing new supply, especially in Multi-family.
Insurance and medical costs may need State or congressional actions. My car insurance went up 20% and I have a clean record.
Insurance and medical costs may need State or congressional actions. My car insurance went up 20% and I have a clean record.
You're lucky. I also have a clean record and mine went up a lot more than that.
How would they address this? Cost of repairs go up so insurance goes up.

We already pump more than we need and drilling projects take years to see oil.
I read somewhere that Bill Gates has a nuclear power company called TerraPower. He’s betting big on clean inexpensive nuclear energy.
Nice week. Bloody but DJT with the bounce back And was able to add from $22-28. Waiting for continued weakness in the market to add. Was able to take in some profit this past week. not putting any new money in. Actually moved some money to Japan by selling stuff and buying Nintendo.
I read somewhere that Bill Gates has a nuclear power company called TerraPower. He’s betting big on clean inexpensive nuclear energy.
Are they bring enough to market in the next 6 months to triple USA electricity output?
I think that’s fair. I have started adding a couple shares again when it went sub150. I took a break from adding to it since $160-165. But overall, I’m holding more cash than I’ve held since January. I think we might get 15-20% on the Nasdaq.