Spring Game Banner

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jeees whats is wrong with you guys? Im sure that would be great for moral to see the banners.. and for recruits on visits. The only influence the banners have had has been negative.

How about a banner(but not a banner), commercial, drunks, plane smoke that's says" Fire golden, we support the players but fire golden, save the U, fire Golden. 100% support of players ". How does that sound?
What banner could you put up at this point that will make a difference? Believe me everyone in the country knows we are unhappy.

Every banner flown has had an influence. It's naive to suggest otherwise. I am fully supportive of adding straw to the camel's back.

******* slurpers seem to spawn in the spring time.

Even the one bashing Butch!

Wondering if you supported that banner at the time?

Yes or no?

Are you seriously incapable of differentiating Butch from Golden? The defense rests, your honor. Plaintiff is straight retarded.

Where was Golden mentioned anywhere?

Are that obsessed with Golden?

Point of my post was to show how dumb this fanbase can get

Are you serious ?
jeees whats is wrong with you guys? Im sure that would be great for moral to see the banners.. and for recruits on visits. The only influence the banners have had has been negative.
i say just tweet the message to all the kids in Swag16 and squad17 those are the ones that a banner will have the most effect on
jeees whats is wrong with you guys? Im sure that would be great for moral to see the banners.. and for recruits on visits. The only influence the banners have had has been negative.
i say just tweet the message to all the kids in Swag16 and squad17 those are the ones that a banner will have the most effect on

Exactly. They seem to think that throwing their little temper tantrums with their banners will somehow magically help the program, change the coaching, while not impacting our recruiting for the future. The reality is, nothing good comes from it, and it just digs the program deeper into a hole.
lol @ trying to evaluate coaches by results instead of the eye test. What results? How do you separate a coaching staff from the players if all you look at is quantitative results? I swear some of you should be baseball fans only if you can't handle analyzing a complex sport with your own eyes.

If results are all that matter, why not hire Gene Chizik, Bobby Bowden or Mack Brown? Those are championship coaches like Butch who you all are obsessed with. ***** the eye test, ***** what goes on behind the scenes, just hire winners on the surface regardless off the context! Another moment of Canes fan brilliance.

But hey, the eye test is what informed me that Grohlden & No'D can't coach from the first game against Maryland, while the rest of you clowns are still arguing about whether the defense can work 4 years later.
If you guys fly a banner it needs to be a positive one.. flying a fire golden banner in late October when were barley bowl eligible is not a bad idea. But flying one at a spring football game full of weavering recruits is probably not a smart thing to do.
jeees whats is wrong with you guys? Im sure that would be great for moral to see the banners.. and for recruits on visits. The only influence the banners have had has been negative.
i say just tweet the message to all the kids in Swag16 and squad17 those are the ones that a banner will have the most effect on

Exactly. They seem to think that throwing their little temper tantrums with their banners will somehow magically help the program, change the coaching, while not impacting our recruiting for the future. The reality is, nothing good comes from it, and it just digs the program deeper into a hole.

You must be a hard core liberal with that deflection of responsibility. The current state of the program belongs to the coach and the administration, not the fans.
What a bunch of SCHMO SCHULRPERS, we have as supposed fans. They just refuse to get it.

The Former U needs tough love, right now. That means a total cutoff of support until the Board Of Hot Garbage does the right thing and fires all the idiots in the athletic department.

A banner isn't going to do anything but embarass the establishment, and that's exactly what they need. However, you actually need some pride to feel embarassment. These feckless fools have no pride, or ********s.
What banner could you put up at this point that will make a difference? Believe me everyone in the country knows we are unhappy.

Every banner flown has had an influence. It's naive to suggest otherwise. I am fully supportive of adding straw to the camel's back.

******* slurpers seem to spawn in the spring time.

This is so true. Its like they hit a delete button on the previous year.
Golden knows we hate him and he clearly hates us. All the banner would do at this point in the year is make the kids feel like **** and hate us too.... Golden would spin it to "Its us against the world guys, and that includes our fans"

I want that scumbag gone, but this will just suck for the kids.
What banner could you put up at this point that will make a difference? Believe me everyone in the country knows we are unhappy.

But we can't take any chances.

There still may be a handful somewhere - Borneo. Tuvalu. Inner Mongolia. Western Chile.

Fly it! Fire Golden Now!
Ok, so no one is happy with what we're seeing with Golden after 4 years. To act like Butch Davis, whom I would take back in a heartbeat, didn't have serious, serious problems is pretty laughable. The same exact type of crowd that is screaming for Butch's head are screaming for Golden's. Except now they all say they supported Butch all along, even when his team was passing the eyeball test at Syracuse, or in their losses to ECU. Or how about the mind numbing loss to PSU? They weren't passing ANY eyeball tests until they beat UCLA. Then they went out and lost to ECU the next year, again. Butch's teams got better, but passing eyeball tests were the last thing Butch's teams were doing for 5 years. He had legitimate reasons to take that long to build the team back up, and people STILL called them excuses. If the term "slurpers" was around in 1999, anyone supporting Butch Davis would have been called that. But now, strangely enough, everyone bashing the daylights out of Golden supported Davis all along... Anyone else find that hard to believe? I don't care if you bash coaches when they deserve it, and Golden deserves it, but stop pretending you all didn't bash the **** out of Butch Davis. Butch Davis wasn't giving some people the sense of validation you all were so used to when we were winning, and they hated him for it.
Golden knows we hate him and he clearly hates us. All the banner would do at this point in the year is make the kids feel like **** and hate us too.... Golden would spin it to "Its us against the world guys, and that includes our fans"

I want that scumbag gone, but this will just suck for the kids.

The road to SLURPDOM is paved with good intentions. The players aren't "kids". They don't need emotional coddling. The rookies will soon find out what feckless fools they play for.

About this anti-fan bullschitt, without fans, there is no big time football. Anyone in the administration pushing this crap has their head deeply up their keister. Anyone buying it as a valid argument is a hopeless SLURPER.

I can't believe that after FOUR ******* YEARS, there are STILL pea brains buying the Grolden excrement.

yall people wanting to fly banners are hoes . . . end of discussion
I'm in, but its got to be something like:

**** you Al Golden
GTFO Al Golden you piece of chit
Bring Back Butch
I actually thought this site was ran by hurricane alums/fans/students! Seems like we were all fooled, with the amount of HATE that is ALLOWED on here, this has to be a UF or FSU ran site. Go Canes
Banner flying overhead while chants of "Fire Golden" echo all game long.

I'm looking forward to raising a little **** that day...this administration deserves nothing less than full blown anarchy that day coupled with a healthy dose of public embarrassment.

Make sure you yell fire Blake James as well.
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