Spring game at Lockhart

Are fans going to be allowed? If so then we need shirts instead of signs. Maybe organize groups with one letter on each shirt that spells FIRE GOLDEN and then sit in order. Another group with FIRE BOT or DONNA SUCKS.
They will have the sign ban in effect. Will have bouncers taking em away.

Are they going to have anti-aircraft weaponry for the banner?

Special acoustics to drown out the chanting?

Who cares if they take the signs away...plus in a venue that size if they start taking away signs people will get video of them doing it on a phone and start posting it all over social media.

This could end up being the most entertaining Spring Game of all time.
Looking back on last year's spring game performance, I'm shocked we won 6 games. That game was an utter train wreck.
I just found out it's like an hour away! Is this real? How far will they go to hide this guy? This is absurd.
I'll trade rah, rah and hype for focus and discipline any day. Right the ship please or GTFO of Dodge!