Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

It’s more exposing the public to the fact the USA is the global leader in it. Normal think it’s a 3rd world problem when in reality your country is run by Pedos
You'd be surprised how many problems 1st world countries that absolutely should not be associated with 1st world countries.

Interestingly enough, its countries where the Catholic Church, an institution well-known for causing problems, supporting and protecting pedophiles and pedophilia with no repercussions whatsoever, is big.

Its a power thing. Its a big power thing.
Curious - why is this movie controversial? It's hardly the first movie to be about child *** trafficking - there are TONS of movies about the subject. Is it because the subject of the movie is of questionable repute and the guy playing him is a qanon whack job? If so, that hardly should make this movie controversial. It is what it is - another movie about child *** trafficking.
Curious - why is this movie controversial? It's hardly the first movie to be about child *** trafficking - there are TONS of movies about the subject. Is it because the subject of the movie is of questionable repute and the guy playing him is a qanon whack job? If so, that hardly should make this movie controversial. It is what it is - another movie about child *** trafficking.
This is why:

"When you are scared, you've produced adrenaline," he told an audience. "If a child knows he's going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline, and they have a lot of terms that they use."

"But it's the worst horror I've ever seen, is adrenochroming, even if I never, ever, ever, ever saw it," he asserted.

Jim is tiptoeing on the line of lunacy and sanity.
This is why:

"When you are scared, you've produced adrenaline," he told an audience. "If a child knows he's going to die, his body will secrete this adrenaline, and they have a lot of terms that they use."

"But it's the worst horror I've ever seen, is adrenochroming, even if I never, ever, ever, ever saw it," he asserted.

Yeah, like I said, Civiezal has fallen off the deep end. That should not take away from the content of the movie that he is acting in imo. I still consider him a fine actor.
Yeah, like I said, Civiezal has fallen off the deep end. That should not take away from the content of the movie that he is acting in imo. I still consider him a fine actor.
he is a fine actor. but how often do people especially when sensitive political topics are involved separate the art from the artist? especially in the current political climate. it is taking away from the content of the movie.
Yeah, like I said, Civiezal has fallen off the deep end. That should not take away from the content of the movie that he is acting in imo. I still consider him a fine actor.
I think you can separate the art and the artist. Just because you enjoy art made by a lunatic/psychopath/etc does not mean you support their views or ideas. You can watch this movie and say "This bat**** insane lunatic can ******* act!" without supporting or justifying any of his beliefs.
he is a fine actor. but how often do people especially when sensitive political topics are involved separate the art from the artist? especially in the current political climate. it is taking away from the content of the movie.

No doubt. But why is this a politically sensitive topic?
Yeah, like I said, Civiezal has fallen off the deep end. That should not take away from the content of the movie that he is acting in imo. I still consider him a fine actor.
It truly is amazing how many people that you would never suspect have "fallen off the deep end". I have a very good friend who was the head of a executive business council in a major city ... balanced, level headed, conservative. Fast forward 15 years ... had dinner with her recently and she "went down the rabbit hole" in her words ... starts her day with 90 minutes on Tik Tok ... swears JFK Jr is alive and will appear with Trump to lead the country. Talked about "andrenochroming" an alleged "common practice amongst the Ruling Elites". Talked about prison camps in Gitmo where "criminals against mankind" like Michael Moore, have been taken, put on trial and into prison for life (or executed). Then replaced in society with "doubles" pending the rise of JFK Jr paired with Donald Trump. The Ruling Elites and child *** trafficking, and worse, are a common theme.
Yeah, I don't get it. I'm sure 60 mins has run countless of these types of stories. ****, Ashton Kutcher has been on Capitol Hill talking about this issue.

How did this get politicized? Did it get politicized by the right or the left?
I think @Mike Thot has it right. It's probably because of Caviezel.

Of course, it wouldn't take much to change the narrative into it being an apolitical issue, but the silence of anyone in a position to influence is deafening.
I think @Mike Thot has it right. It's probably because of Caviezel.

Of course, it wouldn't take much to change the narrative into it being an apolitical issue, but the silence of anyone in a position to influence is deafening.

I'm not sure I follow your point. Are you expecting someone of authority to come out and defend the movie's attributes?
I'm not sure I follow your point. Are you expecting someone of authority to come out and defend the movie's attributes?
No, but it would be nice for someone to say regardless of opinions about actors, the issue is serious. You mentioned Kutcher testifying before Congress. That was 6 years ago. What's happened since then? Has the problem gotten worse? If so, why and what can we do to stop it?

Instead the focus is on stupid **** that can be used to divide us into reliable voting blocs.
No, but it would be nice for someone to say regardless of opinions about actors, the issue is serious. You mentioned Kutcher testifying before Congress. That was 6 years ago. What's happened since then? Has the problem gotten worse? If so, why and what can we do to stop it?

Instead the focus is on stupid **** that can be used to divide us into reliable voting blocs.

Oh sure, totally agree. It doesn't seem to be a very popular topic, sadly, but it's very real across the globe including here but especially exUS.
Yeah, like I said, Civiezal has fallen off the deep end. That should not take away from the content of the movie that he is acting in imo. I still consider him a fine actor.
This is not an unheard of practice especially in parts of Africa where the practice of sorcery and witchcraft is still a thing.

It is arguably the powerful and elite liberal whack jobs looking for their fountain of youth that are the consumers in this country.