Some positives

It goes to the point that Mario offers little in terms of a head coach aside from being a CEO (why he shouldn’t meddle) and he has failed with two different OCs in developing a QB. Indisputable facts up to this point.

Makes a better case for Lane to have been the HC here, no?
Failed OC hires is a given. I’ve said many times a leader is only as good as the people he surrounds himself with. It’s obvious Mario is not an offensive guru so he must hire someone that is AND LET THEM RUN THE OFFENSE. Same with defense.

IF Mario is meddling in the offense, he’s performing a cardinal sin of great leadership- hire good people and meddling/micromanaging what he hired them to do I the first place.

IF Mario us meddling in the offense, then the jury is still out on Dawson.
Absolutely. Pretty sure (atleast from my opinion) the issue with Tyler isn't his lack of ability. He has all the ability in the world(whether or not he's ever chosen to refine it). His issue is he's lost his confidence. A QB with no confidence is a never ending **** show. So again atleast my opinion no one is wrong to believe in Tyler's upside and his ability. But when every week the constant *****ing is coaching coaching coaching yet the player himself should never have any accountability, well that's an issue for me.

I'm curious though. What exactly should Mario have done with Tyler? I don't wanna get into too much of this topic on here. But as we know Tyler flirting with other squads wasn't a one time thing. He chose to fight to keep him here. You're absolutely right. Should he have let him walk and then worked the portal for one of three QBs who all had legit concerns about our lack of an OC and more importantly lack of proven offensive talent at skill positions? In my eyes once he chose to fight to keep him ur sortve locked in with him and hope for the best.
I could be dead wrong but I have never gotten the impression from you that you were overly impressed with TVD for a minute now, going back to last season, as well. In fact, you were optimistic about the potential replacement and I suspect you were low key hoping for it. So kudos for trying to be objective about Mario’s position. Hindsight’s 20/20 so it’s easy to crucify Mario for fighting for TVD but one can understand why he chose this route during the off-season.
I could be dead wrong but I have never gotten the impression from you that you were overly impressed with TVD for a minute now, going back to last season, as well. In fact, you were optimistic about the potential replacement and I suspect you were low key hoping for it. So kudos for trying to be objective about Mario’s position. Hindsight’s 20/20 so it’s easy to crucify Mario for fighting for TVD but one can understand why he chose this route during the off-season.
As we all know I've said EXACTLY THIS about Tyler since everyone jumped on here after a very limited sample size and swore he was a savage. He's doing the same thing now that he did then. Feel free to look at how much of his yardage that season was to Rambo who just so happened to take the top of the field opposed to being like x who runs intermediate routes. The one thing I'd say is Tyler had gotten better on that aspect of his game up until now where he's lost his mojo.
GT loss: coaching
UNC loss: led at half, they made adjustments, we didn’t: coaching
NC State: yikes, we scored 6 points: coaching and execution which has always been blamed on coaching
FSU: settled for FGs: coaching

I spots a trend…
GT: 4 turnovers
UNC: 3
NC St: 4
FSU: 1

I’m not saying Mario is perfect and I am probably out on Dawson but I also see a trend here that is tough for any staff to overcome.

(I am definitely not defending the stupidity of Mario not kneeling against GT because that’s an all time mistake. Mario is not Saban but he’s making progress here)
I would've liked to see jaccurri get some snaps. His athleticism could've made some huge issues for that defense. I would've liked to see us attack their blitzing lanes especially in the seam. The one thing play calling wise that I disagree with is we should've continued testing up top once in a blue(not with the necessity of completing the pass) just to keep the defense honest. But I do understand at the end of the day it's not like we really had many downs that we could afford to throw away. Could've simply kept their blitz packages in check and kept them from stacking the box and sitting on shorter routes.
I agree and would also had liked to have seen more screens to help with the blitzing. We ran one and it didn’t go well so maybe that’s why we didn’t see anymore.
Cis didn’t give him a huge Nil deal and have a coach doing everything he can to keep him. Mario must’ve thought he was pretty awesome to get him to stay two years in a row. I mean he could’ve just said bye to him. So the fans “ think he’s a Hof “ why not mock Mario that same way ? He’s the one that chose him as his qb……twice.

I’m seriously asking ? I think that’s fair.
I think the timing of the TVD to Bama stuff is really what had us in a pinch. If he tried that after the season you let him walk but after Spring I can see the staff thinking keeping TVD was a better option then a new guy with 14 practices in a new offense.

Mario came here on the heels of TVD throwing 21 TD and 5 or 6 INT and being ACC rookie of the year. Unless he’s seeing something different at practice you have to believe that’s the qb to lead your team. After last year I had a few concerns about TVD but I chalked that up to injuries.

Then the Rashada thing put us needing a starter quality backup. I’m going to guess there just weren’t many options out there for a decent back up QB to come here and sit. In a perfect world, yes 100% you bring in a good guy to challenge or backup TVD but I’m not sure that is reality.

I think a lot has gone wrong this year that no one could have predicted. (Unless the are seeing it in practice) The not taking a knee is unforgivable and there have been failures on coaches and players but this team is better than year 1.
I think the timing of the TVD to Bama stuff is really what had us in a pinch. If he tried that after the season you let him walk but after Spring I can see the staff thinking keeping TVD was a better option then a new guy with 14 practices in a new offense.

Mario came here on the heels of TVD throwing 21 TD and 5 or 6 INT and being ACC rookie of the year. Unless he’s seeing something different at practice you have to believe that’s the qb to lead your team. After last year I had a few concerns about TVD but I chalked that up to injuries.

Then the Rashada thing put us needing a starter quality backup. I’m going to guess there just weren’t many options out there for a decent back up QB to come here and sit. In a perfect world, yes 100% you bring in a good guy to challenge or backup TVD but I’m not sure that is reality.

I think a lot has gone wrong this year that no one could have predicted. (Unless the are seeing it in practice) The not taking a knee is unforgivable and there have been failures on coaches and players but this team is better than year 1.

Read this again and imagine this board giving Manny Diaz a pass for it…

This team is more talented than its record again and coaches need to translate that into more wins.
It goes to the point that Mario offers little in terms of a head coach aside from being a CEO (why he shouldn’t meddle) and he has failed with two different OCs in developing a QB. Indisputable facts up to this point.

Makes a better case for Lane to have been the HC here, no?
Shoulda, coulda, woulda. Reality is we obviously have Mario. 100% agree he should lead and get out of the way. Maybe Lane develops a Miami QB. Maybe not. We’ll never know at this point.
Read this again and imagine this board giving Manny Diaz a pass for it…

This team is more talented than its record again and coaches need to translate that into more wins.
Don’t disagree. I was skeptical of Manny from the beginning. After season 1, he went out and got a qb and had a good season 2. But the finale game against UNC showed Manny was not the right coach and then following that up by naming yourself DC just proved it.

A big difference is Mario has proven he can do it (10 win seasons, Rose Bowl win, win at Ohio St) and proven he can get the players.

I’m willing to give Mario time to fix this because #1 he deserves it and #2 what other option do we have? He’s made mistakes in his first two years and single handily cost us a game. But we’ve had almost every break go against us this year and we still have a chance to win 8 games with a starting qb that imploded.

I actually feel like I see a foundation that is being laid and a few pieces here and there will make this a 10 win team next year. But just like Manny, year 3 is huge for Mario because the fans won’t settle for thinking they see progress, they’ll want proof and deservedly so.
I wasn't a Mario guy nor am I now but this guy has brought in better players and we are starting to see them develop.
we are a competent qb away from being an undefeated or 1 loss team.
agree, but Mario doesn't seem to have a good history developing QB.