Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Nah. My page is far different. I try to help y'all understand what's going on in the background straight from the horses mouths. Some people are interested in this attention and are dying to be able to say whatever even when it in involves very little truth. This is all why I said in the beginning I'm staying out of this and y'all simply enjoy the process. Good and bad it's part of the college football world realizing we're a threat again. It's not some shock that the power schools are trying to poach our coaches. It shows they shook. Unfortunately so are y'all. This situation is fluid and numerous reports have came out that have showed y'all Schuman agreed to come here than backed out. Now that kenny has NFL locked in I can tell u the same. That was supposed to be him and chud on oc. Previous to this the only change was mastro than t-rob & t-rob we really didn't care too much for considering he was looking around all season and I told y'all so cause him and Manny always were at each other. Regardless he's only adequate if the bags are behind him. Now I'm done talking about all of this cause I'm sick of it too at this point. As I said before I know with Mario he has the utmost confidence from all of us(former canes) hes a very smart dude and he'll fix this. But maybe this is all part of a learning curve as well. In that case we'll be the better for it. On my dead sons soul this is the last time I speak on this topic.
Side note does Mario have a friendlier policy with alums being around program. I remember rumors Manny was not receptive.
I don’t have a lot of energy for this, but I’m going to add a few logs to the fire.

We’ve lost our two best recruiting assistants in the span of a week to the very schools we are trying to rise to the level of. We have no coordinators after 8 weeks, barely any rumors of who it will be, and NSD is in 3 days. This is all pretty bad stuff, full stop, and shouldn’t be minimized or spun. The only real question about those facts are Mario’s feelings on the matter. Guy isn’t hiding in an office, he’s hitting every school and hosting every recruit with a 4 or 5 next to his name. So what’s the hold up, Mario, because this is genuinely odd. This is a fair point or critique, imo, and one Mario will likely have to answer for throughout his career if the trend continues.

Our fans are absolute dog *****. Not a segment of them, not half of them, the majority of them. I want you to send me to Bolivia for this: someone actually said “when does the AD get involved” and y’all took him seriously and affirmed him. This is why Miami will *never* be Alabama or UGA: too many of the fans are self-serving, clueless reprobates. “Don’t yell at me, Inday, I was faithful during the Shannon-Golden-Trump-Biden years!” No you weren’t, you were a miserable malcontent then, just like you are now. “Ruiz is kinda shady tbh”, GOOD. You think the reason TRob and BMac are gone is because the SEC is clean? You think erasing 20 years of failure is going to happen overnight? Gutting the entire athletic department just needed a weekend? No, then what was your timeframe? Tweet it at Mario, I’m sure it’ll help him to be reminded that he has some vacancies.

Y’all dream of the program leveling up and the moment it faces setbacks — no, no — the moment things are looking good for once in two decades, you immediately look for reasons it declare it all a house of cards. UGA, Bama, whomever, will fight tooth and nail to keep us dead and in the cellar and a lot of you seem waaaaaay more eager to help them than to endure a stupidly long coaching search.

There’s not a “fan base” in American sports who so passionately finds reasons from DAY ONE to disqualify a coach. Day one! You’re worse than weak minded, you’re hopeless and dull hearted, you have no ability to endure ups or downs. You aren’t brave or loyal just because you’re still posting on a message board after 20 years of gross ineptitude, you’re either messed up in the head and too lazy to produce something of value. So you leech optimism away by agreeing with the most absurd porsters on this website. “Sorry man but that’s just how it’s always been with Miami.” Then get out. I mean it, get out of the fan base if nothing short of multiple national championships will make you happy. You just cant be made happy.

“But I was right about Manny!” No you weren’t, you just bet on Miami being Miami and those odds hit better than a service academy under. Now when we are at least pretending to become a big player again, y’all can’t help but vomit all over every single thread. “He‘s whiffing in the portal!” Is he? That story is over, huh? Who we got doesn’t matter and who comes next doesn’t either. It’s all about MY GROWN UP FEELINGS RIGHT NOW. You don’t have to like what he’s done in the portal, but good lord it’s not a zero sum game.

This fan base IS Manny Diaz. A bunch of under-qualified know-nothings who think they've earned the right to represent the school. Because they know the history of the program that they’re somehow a part of it. Nah, most of y’all are straight trash as fans. Always have been and always will be. You morphed somewhere along the way from Miami fans to anti-Miami fans. Whatever dark light you need to shine on the program you will, whatever systemic doubt you need to sow you will, whatever joke you need to make to mock a positive outlook you will.


What do you guys think? I was torn between white and gray matting but I felt really good about the black walnut.

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Personal attacks
The blinding faith in Mario has already begun and I’m completely shocked we’re seeing it given what we all have seen and endured from prior regimes. Miami curse seems to be very real
What you’ve seen and endured has caused you to be some a giant ***** who blindly hates a guy before he’s allowed to coach a game or finalize his staff. Seriously kill yourself. This site will be better for it.
So Strong was mentioned as a potential DC candidate. What are y'all's thoughts?

Seems like a strong hire imo. He
(1) has fielded some **** good defenses iirc (he's mainly been a HC for the last 10ish years, so I'm not sure whether he was calling plays then)
(2) was a former HC, so he'll bring some critical executive experience and can aid Mario in running the program
(3) was a **** good recruiter iirc
(4) is not an "up and coming star"/"fast riser" type, so he could be here for a while and provide some stability.
What you’ve seen and endured has caused you to be some a giant ***** who blindly hates a guy before he’s allowed to coach a game or finalize his staff. Seriously kill yourself. This site will be better for it.
This dude just hit me with the kill yourself on a messaging board but I’m the dude with issues 🤣🤣🤣
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So Strong was mentioned as a potential DC candidate. What are y'all's thoughts?

Seems like a strong hire imo. He
(1) has fielded some **** good defenses iirc (he's been a HC for the last 10ish years, so I'm not sure whether he was calling plays then)
(2) was a former HC, so he'll bring some critical executive experience and can aid Mario in running the program
(3) was a **** good recruiter iirc
(4) is not an "up and coming star"/"fast riser" type, so he could be here for a while and provide some stability.
No he wasn’t

LB coach
So Strong was mentioned as a potential DC candidate. What are y'all's thoughts?

Seems like a strong hire imo. He
(1) has fielded some **** good defenses iirc (he's been a HC for the last 10ish years, so I'm not sure whether he was calling plays then)
(2) was a former HC, so he'll bring some critical executive experience and can aid Mario in running the program
(3) was a **** good recruiter iirc
(4) is not an "up and coming star"/"fast riser" type, so he could be here for a while and provide some stability.
Would prefer new blood. Someone who has modified their approach to keep up with today’s game.

With that said, I don’t think it would be an awful hire.
Mentioned as a DC candidate. Ferman said he’d be LB and Co-DC.

Which is nothing more than a fancy title and not a DC.
well one of the two co-DCs calls plays right?

So will he be the one that calls plays or the one that doesn't? With his resume, I bet he'd be the one that calls plays.
well one of the two co-dc's calls plays right?

So will he be the one that calls plays or the one that doesn't? With his resume, I bet he'd be the one that calls plays.
No. That’s how Georgia runs it. Co-DC is usually a title given to the second in command who helps the DC with scheming for opponent during week.
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