Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I hate when people use that kinda phraseology, there will be nothing shocking about either hire lol

It’ll be exactly who we’ve heard it’s gonna be for at least a month now.

I agree, but also the "CFB world" aka fans aren't privy to the granular details of our search the way we (think) are. If Miami takes the Co-DC from UGA and a red hot NFL OC/PGC who was about to become an NFL OC it will create some nice shockwaves. Because it will be real.
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Heck, I’ll play and throw a name out there....what about Nick Rolovich for OC??
A June Jones Hawaii Run & Shoot guy? That would be a really good hire, but again he’s a high volume passer, I don’t see Mario hiring a high volume passing OC, but I could be wrong...

Rolo was at Nevada with Chris Ault & Brian Polian & Mario did hire a number of coaches who came from the Nevada program, particularly Mastro, Ken Wilson & Tim DeRutyer.

It would be an interesting hire for sure, but Idk if he runs the ball enough for Mario’s liking.
What I find interesting in all of these pages is that Mario and the new crew have managed to keep everything quiet. To me, this is a sign of a tight ship and **** that Saban will do. Mario seems to idolize the many lessons he learned from Saban-- he seems to repeat similar comments regarding what Saban has built. I dislike that scumbag but he has built a matching and if we can get the S. Florida money, including that Ruiz guy to pay out big bucks, even if we get half of the infrastructure that Saban has built, I will be very happy. All we need to do is compare what we have had over the last 20 years. Thus, keeping your mouth shut, to me, is a very important first step.
We’re 90 pages from 500 fellas, keep pushing!
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