Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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There is smoke the past 2 days with Brady again centered on a few articles linking Caleb Williams to Miami; however, I am not buying into the hype. If Brady was the choice, we would have heard by now given that he is currently unemployed.

I don't think it is Briles either as we probably would have heard something now that Arky's season is over. That leaves Dorsey as the next man up. Not sure how I feel about Dorsey. Adding Chud as a "grey beard" analyst to mentor KD makes sense so that could work.

No matter who emerges, we gotta admit Mario has kept this search (both OC and DC) quiet with few leaks.

Here's how you should feel about Dorsey:

IF he comes, and that's a **** big IF .... you should kneel down and thank whatever football god you pray to, that Mario convinced him to come. It would be the OC/QB coaching hire equivalent of Manny Navarro convincing Jennifer Lawrence and Gigi Hadid to join him in a 3-way. It would be the biggest recruiting success of 2022, hands down.

That's how tough of a sell it would be, given that Dorsey is going to be an NFL OC next season, is very well thought of within coaching circles, and in pretty much anyone's view, would KILL IT as an OC and developer of young QB talent at UM.

Don't just take by lily white quarterbacking *** for it, ask @Lance Roffers and @Liberty City El too. They'll probably agree with me. He'd be choice 1 and 1(a) for the job.

I mean, we can dream, right?
I personally think this would lean more towards Brady IMO. Out of the three public candidates he seems most likely to share that title or Coley. Which I hope doesn’t happen.
I think brady is a WR coach
Here's how you should feel about Dorsey:

IF he comes, and that's a **** big IF .... you should kneel down and thank whatever football god you pray to, that Mario convinced him to come. It would be the OC/QB coaching hire equivalent of Manny Navarro convincing Jennifer Lawrence and Gigi Hadid to join him in a 3-way. It would be the biggest recruiting success of 2022, hands down.

That's how tough of a sell it would be, given that Dorsey is going to be an NFL OC next season, is very well thought of within coaching circles, and in pretty much anyone's view, would KILL IT as an OC and developer of young QB talent at UM.

Don't just take by lily white quarterbacking *** for it, ask @Lance Roffers and @Liberty City El too. They'll probably agree with me. He'd be choice 1 and 1(a) for the job.

I mean, we can dream, right?
I dont think you want to bring LCE as your witness on this one
It’s just a pay scale thing.

Also find it interesting their isn’t a position title in there yet.

I found this interesting as well. I think the Maestro smoke must be true. BMac has coached RBs before so I think he could easily take over our RB room if we end up going with Brady, or even Seider. Clearly Mario just wants him on board.
In 2018

Richt as HC/OC
Dugans as WR/ Co-OC
Brown as RB/OC

Dugans was just the WR coach in 2017. It was done to give Dugans more money and a title to keep schools from poaching him.

yeah and recall that Richt Jr was also in that mix as playcaller. I remember it was a complete mystery who was calling plays that year - one week it was TB, the other it was Richt Jr, then dugans, etc. What a cluster lol
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