Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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Big blow no doubt.

Ngl, I’m not understanding how people don't think this is the two biggest powers in the SEC intentionally tampering with our process and program. From his time at Bama, there’s no doubt that coaching circles know the kind of recruiting acumen Mario brings to the table, as people in media and on here have brought up time and again. Now that he is coaching at a storied program located in the hotbed of CFB recruiting (which is where Bama and UGA etc. love to pluck kids from on a yearly basis), it’s open season.

There isn’t a single Canes fan who should be clueless to the politics and power plays that are currently taking place. The CFB elites hate us and want us to fail, they know their jobs will become that much more difficult if they allow Mario to hire whichever stud recruiters he wants to try and lock down SoFla.

Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t believe that Mario is also bringing this upon himself by dragging this process out. Being thorough yet swift in your decision making is possible believe it or not. In retrospect, this was always going to be the downside with Mario’s focus on and love for recruiting - it seems that he neglects or maybe is more hands off with other processes that are just as important.

My 2¢
Strong post and my sentiments as well
Question: I know we alumni and fans want to know who are the coaches but has Mario ever stated a deadline for naming coaches? I'm not talking about rumors and such. I mean his own words.
I can’t wait for the posters who was on y’all necks for saying anything come in here and try to explain this away lol
The Mario is god campaign by insiders started well before he was hired. Plenty jumped on board because insiders pushed it. Mario is the guy now so I hope for nothing but the best but Kirby and Saban will take what they want. If A&M or LSU lost a RB coach and they wanted Kevin Smith he'd leave too. Some people here might be praying that Timmy Chang or someone out west comes for Big Joe. The only guy that won't leave no matter what is Mirabal.
Bunch of sissies around here.

A position coach went back to his alma matter. Sucks, but it’s a position coach. Relax.
If the whole staff was assembled sure. Mario is dragging this out and now it’s beginning to look bad.
It’s pretty obvious McClendon was hired by Miami & announced with an official tweet as being hired by Miami in order to keep him on hold until after Kirby won the National title & got his staff situated...

Mario let TRob & BMac go to Bama & UGA in order to have two inside guys on their staff to steal all their 5-star recruits for this upcoming class...

You guys are idiots if you can’t see what Mario is doing, he’s literally planting sleeper cells on the two most powerful programs in college football...

Have never seen a coach come in with so much hype and approval lose the fanbase this quickly. Truly incredible work in 7 weeks on the job.
Lol nah the problem is too many fans go from one extreme to the other. Example: new coach is hired and brings over stud coaches and recruiters and fans start pumping their chest talking about how the new coach is about to butt **** the world. New coach hasn’t hired his staff according to the fans timeline and loses a few assistants in the process. Fans are the like “this is a complete clown show. He is losing the fan bases and this screams of incompetence.” What you need to do is ******* relax because you sound like grade a crybaby. Give the man time and stop over analyzing every little move. Ppl did the same thing with the AD search and Mario hire and it turned out the the ppl running things had a plan.
When Mario said staff was 90% done, the 10% was in regards to Bmac. This “loss” was already accounted for.
It’s pretty obvious McClendon was hired by Miami & announced with an official tweet as being hired by Miami in order to keep him on hold until after Kirby won the National title & got his staff situated...

Mario let TRob & BMac go to Bama & UGA in order to have two inside guys on their staff to steal all their 5-star recruits for this upcoming class...

You guys are idiots if you can’t see what Mario is doing, he’s literally planting sleeper cells on the two most powerful programs in college football...

That’s some good Miami spinning right there lol. I’m surprised someone didn’t beat you to it 🤣🤣🤣
When does the AD step in and say WTF Mario

I’m sure he is involved.

The team is lifting weights right now and that coach and staff is hired.

None of this other stuff matters. He will have a staff by the time Spring practice starts that’s all that matters. He lost one coach to Bama and one back to his school he played at. No shocker.

Yes the coordinator hires are taking awhile but I’ll wait to see how the staff shakes out. There are 100’s of good coaches across America so just cause two left doesn’t mean it’s some catastrophic situation.

Ppl need to log off this site for a few days and take a step back.
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