Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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IF the issue is the buyout it’s a huge failure on our part. That’s something that you address with his agent before you even do an interview.
Yeah this doesn't make any sense. Any sensible person would have checked on the buyout before going through the hiring process, especially one as long as Mario's. I gotta imagine the buyout isn't really the issue here.

If I'm being completely honest, I think what we're witnessing is the effects of 15+ years of mediocrity on our image and reputation. Miami isn't viewed as a stepping stone job anymore. Rather, it's viewed as a risky bet. High upside, sure, but most of our coordinators over the last 15 years have gotten fired, not promoted. Belk might simply think that one more year at Houston will net him a DC job with a much more proven path to a promotion, or even a HC job at a G5 school. Why risk it at Miami?

I was hoping Mario's clout would makeup for the reputational damage our brand has sustained after 15 years of mediocrity, but it may not be enough. Either that, or he's not as good as "recruiting" coaches as he is as "recruiting" players. Or a combo of both.
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No Coordinators
Coaches dipping

I was stoked when we got Mario had so much momentum and he's dropping the off-season ball big time. Lost trob, sure he wasn't his guy. But losing Bmac especially if he only took the WR title in Georgia... No OC/DC hires the momentum of the hire has already piddled off lol
“But but but, we have one of the biggest assistant coach salary pools in the country!!!”
Nah man. It's just that BMAC wants to go home!

Highest ACC budget equals highest SEC budget, even though Georgia and Alabama's athletics budget is millions and millions more than ours!
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