Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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bruh, this is problem with lebron lovers. they cant have a serious agrument. they just say crazy stuff, you say facts back and they say you dont know basketball

Go look at Kobe’s ranking on advanced stats, it’s a joke. Top 25 is a great player, but he’s not top 10.
bruh, this is problem with lebron lovers. they cant have a serious agrument. they just say crazy stuff, you say facts back and they say you dont know basketball
My guy, you have said some of the craziest stupidest unbelievable bizarre petty factless opinions I have ever read today.

BRUH WTF?!?!?!?...

Alright, that’s enough of this thread for me... That kinda Blasphemy is the limit.

If he’s not on TV every **** game he’s not held in the regard he is. It’s just facts. His VORP, win share, box plus minus, all the advanced stats are pretty horrid.
Kobe had epic performances and swag. He schooled 81 points in a game, try that on xbox. he also had the 3pt record for most in a game for YEARS.
he was defending point guards in his late 30s when he was falling apart.

Lol, ok. Nobody is saying he’s not a great player. He’s severely over valued because he was a “killer (lol)” and played in LA. Lots of style over substance.
bruh, this is problem with lebron lovers. they cant have a serious agrument. they just say crazy stuff, you say facts back and they say you dont know basketball
No the problem is lebron say things like lebron ruined the league as if the league didn’t get cleaned up from hard fouls and hand checking prior to lebron…everything lebron haters say about lebron is he’s soft and whiny it’s never much about basketball
Jordan is #1. It’s a lock
Lebron is #2 but that up for debate
Bird is around the top 5, as high as 4.
Kobe is around the top 10
Kobe is top 3 in likeable but that wasn’t always the case.
Just watch the Jordan Documentary and it will put all doubts to rest. I was lucky enough to grow up in the Jordan era and to me it’s not debatable. Yes Kobe was close but he wasn’t the assassin Jordan was especially on both sides of the ball. Just watch what he does to all the hall of famers in this documentary while at the Olympics. Jordan was just eye popping amazing. I couldn’t imagine what he would do in this era the way Defenses play today.
EVERY NBA player asked who played against him and Kobe said Kobe. Hes not better than Bird, Magic, and MJ. thats the problem with the lebron fans. its like it has to be him or else. No convo. I also notice most lebron lovers look like they never played sports.
I am a lifelong Celtics fan so you would get no argument from me about Larry....I was what would be deemed as a Lebron "hater" through the first half of his career....then he became more serious and proved the player everyone thought he would be...the series against GS alone when Irving and Love got hurt started my 180 on say hes isnt in the top 2-3 of all time comes with some bias that wont allow you to admit it. What that is I am not sure
Wtf did I walk into? Leave this thread for a couple hours and 50 pages later this is how bad the posts have gotten? Come on? Lebron is the best player I’ve ever seen at his peak, and I’m old enough to have watched Bird, Magic, and Jordan in their primes. Lebron’s finals performances against golden state are some of the best basketball ever played. Killer attitude for Kobe lol, dude was a ball hog who had contempt for his teammates. Most overrated star in NBA history. If he hadn’t played in LA he’s barely a top 25 player all time.
Go watch Dal vs Miami 2011 and then come back slurping him as the goat. Da goat scored 8 points in meaningful finals game while being the HUGE favorite. Also having a superior roster. Then quit and hung out on the three point line when he knew he was cooked. I could really see Kobe, Magic, Bird or MJ having JJ Barrea on them in key possessions and just standing there lol. In their primes.

Kobe might be a ball hog but he wasn't ***** made between the lines , no way those guys lay there bleeding as a finals slips through their hands. A finals where one super star with all role players and washed guys waxed them lol.
Just watch the Jordan Documentary and it will put all doubts to rest. I was lucky enough to grow up in the Jordan era and to me it’s not debatable. Yes Kobe was close but he wasn’t the assassin Jordan was especially on both sides of the ball. Just watch what he does to all the hall of famers in this documentary while at the Olympics. Jordan was just eye popping amazing. I couldn’t imagine what he would do in this era the way Defenses play today.

The only argument to me is Jordan/Lebron for best overall ever. Lebron can do it all on the court. Probably the most complete player ever. He sucked against Dallas, but other than that it’s hard to go against his resume. Jordan was just different from an athletic and competitive aspect. Only reason I pick Lebron personally is he could guard 1-5, and was a better 3pt shooter. All the talk of Kobe in that group is more about fame and publicity. I’d have Russell, Kareem, Bird, Magic, Wilt, Duncan, all ahead of Kobe off the top of my head.
The only argument to me is Jordan/Lebron for best overall ever. Lebron can do it all on the court. Probably the most complete player ever. He sucked against Dallas, but other than that it’s hard to go against his resume. Jordan was just different from an athletic and competitive aspect. Only reason I pick Lebron personally is he could guard 1-5, and was a better 3pt shooter. All the talk of Kobe in that group is more about fame and publicity. I’d have Russell, Kareem, Bird, Magic, Wilt, Duncan, all ahead of Kobe off the top of my head.
The difference Jordan was more of a competitor in my option. It ran through his blood. He wanted to beat everyone at everything.
Go watch Dal vs Miami 2011 and then come back slurping him as the goat. Da goat scored 8 pouts in meaningful finals game while being the HUGE favorite. Also having a superior roster. Then quit and hung out on the three point line when he knew he was cooked. I could really see Kobe, Magic, Bird or MJ having JJ Barrea on them in key possessions and just standing there lol. In their primes.

Kobe might be a ball hog but he wasn't ***** made between the lines , no way those guys lay there bleeding as a finals slips through their hands. A finals where one super star with all role players and washed guys waxed them lol.

Yes top 5 confident players…congrats. AI must be #1 then, he’d legit beat the **** out of Kobe…since that’s your criteria for “best”.
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