so my buddy is at the game...

Why are y’all trying to so hard to defend this ****
show Jesus. U think Richt is a god with how some of y’all defend him. Keep fighting the good fight K9

they make it seem as if they have to read and respond in every thread. Guess what? They dont. If they dont like my posts, or those who aren't part of the Branch Richtian Cult of Coral Gables they should just put us on ignore
You’re sensitive AND ignorant!!

Well praise Jesus!!

Nah, I'm not a practicing Christian.
I just don't see why one has to go that level to simply say the guy sux as a coach
and changes should be made.
It would be no different than paying for a banner mocking African-Americans when Shannon
was the HC.
But apparently this is going over your head as well as NateDoggSht's head, so I won't waste my
Nah, I'm not a practicing Christian.
I just don't see why one has to go that level to simply say the guy sux as a coach
and changes should be made.
It would be no different than paying for a banner mocking African-Americans when Shannon
was the HC.
But apparently this is going over your head as well as NateDoggSht's head, so I won't waste my
Stating thou shalt not is hardley a judgment on religion. It’s a reference to religion.

They’re very different things
We belong at a lower level conference. It’s just a shame but we are what we are. There is not even 10k at the stands. What top recruit would like to be in this environment? Then you see this abortion offenseive or repulsive offense and I will just step out of the stadium. The ACC and Shalala killed a proud and mighty program and yet we are not the Harvard of the south or UV or Duke or even UF.
Streisand effect I guess. But i just turned on the game to see how bad it is. But holy shxt, there are a lot of fans dressed as empty seats.