Wth is SIAP? šŸ˜‚
Depending on the Porster, it could mean "Sorry, I'm always a pĆ¼ssy" It's an ingenious and innovative method of introducing a new thread (Tread for some Porsters) through apologizing from jump street for the mierda, snow flake, fetal position content that is to follow.

Or in other cases, it simply means "Sorry if already posted"
I donā€™t know man. This just FEELS different. Manny Montana may not have the experience yet, but you can see Miamiā€™s his baby and heā€™s gonna give it everything he has.

If we havent learned that feelings matter about much as your feelings for jlo by now... you can spank all you want but if we dont win it aint real.
I think its safe to say even coach diaz would swing on you when he see's you for comparing him to the penn disgrace morons! Coach diaz has already proven he can coach a dominant unit, all that's left now is for him to encompass the whole team to be dominant, and he has the ability to do just that. When its said "a team starts to take on the persona of the headcoach" when this team starts doing that, than you'll know, but obviously you dont know coach diaz, not to many soft Cubans running around, and he from here, you'll see soon enough, the days of having offenses that got mentally beat down by defenses are coming to an end in the near future!
Got to love the energy, focus, and vision that Manny is selling. I think heā€™s going to become a great HC, might take his lumps to some degree learning on the job this season especially seeing as he got no real HC training out of Richt. But with the staff heā€™s brought in, or kept, coupled with the talent thatā€™s there on both sides of the ball including good depth; the skies the limit for Manolo and the Miami program. I think we all are going to be pleasantly surprised come 8/24, it wouldnā€™t shock me in the least to see Diaz pour on the points against the hated Gayturd. If we arenā€™t in the Top 25 prior to the game we most certainly will post game.

This is the problem with you emotional ones, you start spitting lies and sounding insane, to act like and say coach diaz didnt learn anything from coach richt as a headcoach is stupid. Just because you mad and salty about how last season went, dont be a clown and act like coach richt was not a successful headcoach, who knew how to hire and put staffs together, and while you praising manny, how did he end up at UM.
Energy is different than Richt but similar to Golden. Itā€™s all a bunch of fluff at this point but we will find out soon enough of there is substance there. Regardless, what happened last year was an abomination, even if Diaz is a corch we improve on that.
Golden was a complete unknown. He had success at Temple but that wasnā€™t the same football. Manolo has been successful at Miami as a coordinator, so Randy would have been a better comparison. However, Randy wasnā€™t thought of as HC material by other schools like Diaz was.