SIAP: UF Graduation Video 2018: Black Students Yanked Off Stage

i am not going to read all 7 pages but i will add my 2 cents.
1) i am an older white guy (for this board anyway)
2) i normally don't approve of people doing goofy stuff to attract attention to themselves but in this case i have no problem with the way these black students acted as they were briefly (and i mean briefly) showing the jubilation and excitement they felt at having accomplished something huge. they earned or at least deserved that opportunity in my view.
3) the treatment by the bouncer (at least that's the way he acted) was heavy handed, thuggish and absurd
4) tearing up the Iran deal without trying to tweak or fix it was stupid and we will regret it in the end regardless of whether or not the deal was ratified by congress (congress can't ratify anything these days hence why trump and obama have had to largely govern by executive order over the past 8 years. do i agree with this?? absolutely not but obama saw the chance to do a deal so he did it. i have alot more of a problem with tearing up deals with nothing in place than actually doing deals.

ITS , simple question please do you really believe Iran had any intention of fulfilling there agreement at all , it was faulty from the start.

Iran was to use there own nuclear inspectors , if others were to be used they had to give months of notification to inspect only with Iranian approval which it never approves and makes outside inspector resubmit over and over never ending it's a futile request.

Iran only did deal to get US to give back BILLIONS of dollars so Iran pump into there economy, never happend went straight to terrorism.

Iran declared WAR on the US in the 70's and to this day has a caliphate US flag burning sponsors terrorism.

This just a short list , with this being said , again do you think Iran's regime going to do anything by the book with US and of course Israel.

Why would Iran blatantly attack Israel from Syria is they are so PEACEFUL , you negotiate from POWER not weakness these people do not know, if your weak they over throw you. Right now Iran owns Syria with the Russians , you are whom your friends are.

Hope you understand . if not please visit Israel and spend some time with them,I'm sure your views will change.

I've seen you make racially insensitive statements in the past. You're a dude that can't think critically. You have no points so you try to flip this into, 'you must have issues with racism where you live'. Wtf are you talking about?

How was the Iran deal ****? Please enlighten me. It stopped Iran's military nuclear activity. And like I said, Trump did nothing different from past presidents. Continued to sanction NK. Wow, what a genius. It's been said pretty much everywhere that financial sanctions did not change anything, just as they haven't in the past. It was more worry about internal opposition to Kim.

"A liberal calling someone else crazy that's a hoot"
Did you just start following Kanye? I love his music. He is crazy, though. He's been to a mental hospital for weeks. Takes strong SSRIs. He himself claims to be crazy. A dumbass conservative that has no idea what he's talking about, that's a hoot! It's ironic you'd choose this celebrity to align your ideals with lmao

''How was the Iran deal ****? ''

You did know Obama never made Iran sign that nuke deal right? lol State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online
Im curious here & i know im gonna regret jumping into this but what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if a white person was being singled out like that? Are they entitled to the same response? I only ask this cause im into history. I realize as blacks (far more specifically africans) we arent the only people who have suffered through ignorance. We still arent. Is a *** alowed to be as angry as we are? How about a mexican or peruvian an indian? I actually could go on & on with this. Not trying to pick any arguements. Obviously its a sensitive topic to all of us. At a certain point as a people first & foremost we gotta stop with a defeatist mentality. Were not victims to anyone so long as in our minds we know our self worth. I used to be an ANGRY KID. Grew up in an environment thinking everyone was against me for all sorts of reasons. Once i got out my own way i learned to open doors for myself. I realized things i previously saw as a negative atleast in a certain extent were due to my own fvcked up outlook. Obviously this aint saying there isnt pieces of **** in the world or racism etc dont exist. No question its rampant. But we dont have a trademark to say dont tell me nothin cause my ancestors been through this...

This is one great post, thanks for sharing some of your personal history. We all have a story thanks for sharing a part of yours it's uplifting.

ITS , simple question please do you really believe Iran had any intention of fulfilling there agreement at all , it was faulty from the start.

Iran was to use there own nuclear inspectors , if others were to be used they had to give months of notification to inspect only with Iranian approval which it never approves and makes outside inspector resubmit over and over never ending it's a futile request.

Iran only did deal to get US to give back BILLIONS of dollars so Iran pump into there economy, never happend went straight to terrorism.

Iran declared WAR on the US in the 70's and to this day has a caliphate US flag burning sponsors terrorism.

This just a short list , with this being said , again do you think Iran's regime going to do anything by the book with US and of course Israel.

Why would Iran blatantly attack Israel from Syria is they are so PEACEFUL , you negotiate from POWER not weakness these people do not know, if your weak they over throw you. Right now Iran owns Syria with the Russians , you are whom your friends are.

Hope you understand . if not please visit Israel and spend some time with them,I'm sure your views will change.


From everywhere I've read Iran never even signed the deal. Iran lies, but they always have. Great video to prove it. ‘Iran lied’: Netanyahu drops a Mossad bombshell on the Iranian nuclear deal Tetra just turns a blind eye. Either deal with them now (and it's going to get messy, real messy) or we have another North Korea on our hands. Actually 10 times worse. Bill Clinton did the same thing and let NK off the hook and we have paid for it for all these years.
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Brooklyn ... I was going to go to bed but I thought I'd check my emails and CIS first. I check this thread to see where the insanity was headed and saw it is bad. I read your post and I just had to add to the excellent points you made. I also have been labeled a racist here by one in particular. It's based on a remark in a what I thought was a private message where I was asking if someone was black. I simply wanted to know because of sensitivities that may be involved. So let me just say the following about me.
I am Caucasian but not "white", my parents weren't racist so I wasn't raised to be one. At work I made plenty of black friends and would socialize with them all the time. I chose a black leadman "assistant" to help me at work. Other than family the only friends I invited to my wedding 10 years ago (third marriage) were my black neighbors that I/we absolutely love. I can go on and on. I had a black employee that worked for me many years ago that quit because we had a misunderstanding, and to this day it bothers me because we were really tight and I wish that I could have talked him out of it.
When I interact with my black friends that last thing on my mind is our color... I just look at the person and hopefully they do the same. Also I'm a conservative politically so it ****es me off when people want to label me without flucking knowing who I am. We can not have healthy civil relationships with people who want to bring up what our ancestors did a hundred or more years ago.
I really appreciated your post because I feel it has a good message.
I also wish that the football season would start so we can argue about something else.

In the same vein I will add something about myself. I treat people as individuals, not as members of a particular artificially created group. If I think you are an a** I will treat you that way.

My favorite flight instructor was black. I used the term in the commonly accepted way because there are folks in India who we ignore when we use skin tone to define race when it is inaccurate. For many being black is a way to beef about their perceived lot in life. Funny how people I've met in the Caribbean don't have the same mentality. But back to my friend "Captain Midnight" the name he used on his business card. I selected him for his competence and not his skin tone, knowing that I would sometimes be flying "under the hood" (by instruments instead of visual) and that he would, after turning the airplane in ways so that I could not feel which way was up, tell me to look up from having my head down to see a panel indicating it was upside down about to enter a spin or in a spin. Either I could fix that or he would save me from my error. I trusted in his ability.

He was from Utah so his voice did not reveal his race. I also later had a Jamaican check pilot who you could easily tell where he was from, but those of us who know people from that island know that you can't always tell their race of the voice on the phone. I also flew with a guy from Haiti. I picked them all for their skill not because I was making some political statement.

I have few heroes but when I had the opportunity to talk with a Tuskegee Airman I was speechless, too awed to say more than hello. I knew this frail looking old man had once upon a time accomplished what many believed could not be done and did it under extreme circumstances and the popular expectation of failure. The movie Red Tails has some good stuff in it but it does a disservice to these well-educated men who in real life did not talk as if they had just come from the hood.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a weekend 81st birthday celebration for an old family friend who is originally from a small town in Georgia. Her (white) son has adopted three young children from Ethiopia. The two beautiful girls are teenagers now, one is in college. She is also hearing impaired, but does not hesitate to speak her mind when others make assumptions about her background because she has no victim mentality. Once in a classroom discussion someone brought up her "slave history" and she responded by saying, "My people were never enslaved, we OWNED slaves!"

While my son was in Afghanistan he assigned me a Power of Attorney to buy his retirement house. Coincidentally the guy next door is a retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. Love talking to the man, he has some great stories to tell. His wife works for the Sheriff's office and is originally from Jamaica. He's the darker skin tone. Who cares about the superficial! I like them and their differences make them that much more interesting to talk with.

I could go on about my personal history, but I know that for some people none of it matters. They believe they know history but only parrot what they have heard about history and are too lazy to use the resources on the web and those who do can't discern the difference between propaganda and the real stuff like the unfiltered diaries letters and histories written by people who lived it.

Human beings are complicated, relationships are nuanced and a slave could actually have such a strong friendship bond with the white kid he grew up with that he was willing to risk his life fighting alongside of him in the Confederate Army. You know the one where the vast majority of the soldiers could no more afford a slave than most of us here can afford to factory order a brand new Ferrari?

I judge people, yes I said judge, according to their behavior not their racial or ethnic background. I don't care who lives next door if they act like good neighbors, being considerate, and even helpful sometimes and am happy to act likewise. If they have different backgrounds and they're interesting to talk to I will attentively listen, or like in the case of my son's neighbor we sometimes are called apart because we can go on for hours especially if there's beer involved.

This is a football board. Don't much care about the political opinions of people who don't have a clue about what they're talking and are uninterested in learning more whether it's politics or football. When it's football at least it's mostly on topic for the forum.

To address the initial post, without going back I think it was about the showboating at the UF grad ceremony. I think it was handled boorishly and unbecoming of an institution of higher learning. The kids were being stupid, and the idiot manhandling them was certainly showing his butt even worse.

Those who choose to see this event as an issue with a broader view of victim and historical oppressors and it's beyond redemption have an option to put their money where their mouth is (or just charge it on a credit card and never pay it) can click here and book a flight to their destination of choice: Cheap Flights & Airline Tickets | KAYAK

Now can we please keep it to football?

Regardless of White or Black or brown, This should no be a problem and someone should have told the man not to touch them after he first did it. Now if someone was trying to do an entire dance routine, then i could understand. This definitely was a bad look for the university
I can't remember and I'm not going back through your 1400 posts.

So. Walk through this logic with me. The deal would have expired 12 years from now. So, instead of remaking the deal in 12 years, let's go ahead and dismantle it right now. Genius move! Or, let's say we are really worried about their centrifuges in 8 years. Why not redo the deal then?
There's no reason to do it now besides a hurt ego and Trump trying to show the world he's actually done something. And as I've read, the restrictions on the centrifuges expiring don't even matter that much with the other parts intact.

"I like Kanye because he had the balls to come out and say black people don't have to be democrats. Nothing more nothing less. Now you can make anything you want to out of it, but it would be a lie."
Exactly. You don't know **** about him. Going from "he's not crazy you liberal" to "oh well I just like him." The circumlocution you're going through is ******* embarrassing. I was not remotely surprised by him supporting Trump. He's a ******* rich dude that is a borderline psychopath. Sound familiar? Do you only like black people that support your agenda? Those are the two examples I've seen you give so far besides some of your "friends".

I know the sanctions he put on them. They have always progressively become worse, and would have with any ****** president we put in there. Not that amazing, dude. And again, it wasn't their financial situation that changed anything. It's a moot point.

I'm done with this. Neither of us are going to win this argument over NK and Iran because you have your head up Kanye's *******.

Why not re-due the deal? As far as I know Iran never signed it, how is that a deal in the first place? Iran has always lied, ‘Iran lied’: Netanyahu drops a Mossad bombshell on the Iranian nuclear deal. Can you understand that Bill Clinton did the same thing with North Korea? Instead of showing he had some balls he gave NK quite a few things, they still screwed him over, now we are actually dealing with a country with nukes.

''They have always progressively become worse'' No they haven't most of the trade with NK is from China, 90% in fact, check it out. China laughed at the presidents before Trump and said we won't stop dealing with North Korea. Trump went after China banks that traded with NK, he also went after them on our massive trade deficit with them you would know that if you actually looked it up. Trump put China's back to the wall so they gave up much of their trade to NK. NK is screwed without China trade, now go do some research and stop making yourself look so **** clueless.
Based on the number of posts in this thread, I think there are some "closet" posters who would enjoy having a political forum. We could then rant and rave and get rid of all of our inhibitions.
What would the beta nu dudes do to the guy? nothing just like the UF students.

I was really just fkn with the bruhs on here. I tried to get this thread closed 3 days ago by injecting some metaphysics, which had nothing to do with football. But of course Brock told me to GTFOH not realizing we both wanted the same thing - to keep it on Canes football.
Somehow this thread just keeps hanging around. If that SC teacher or the Yale video gets linked, it may still hit 100 pages,
but I hope not.
Why not re-due the deal? As far as I know Iran never signed it, how is that a deal in the first place? Iran has always lied, ‘Iran lied’: Netanyahu drops a Mossad bombshell on the Iranian nuclear deal. Can you understand that Bill Clinton did the same thing with North Korea? Instead of showing he had some balls he gave NK quite a few things, they still screwed him over, now we are actually dealing with a country with nukes.

''They have always progressively become worse'' No they haven't most of the trade with NK is from China, 90% in fact, check it out. China laughed at the presidents before Trump and said we won't stop dealing with North Korea. Trump went after China banks that traded with NK, he also went after them on our massive trade deficit with them you would know that if you actually looked it up. Trump put China's back to the wall so they gave up much of their trade to NK. NK is screwed without China trade, now go do some research and stop making yourself look so **** clueless.
"re-due" oh my..
That’s not the point. First, my understanding is he was being selective towards only a certain group.


Never put your hands on another man unless you’re ready to have him put his hands back on you.

He was being selective against the small group that didn't follow directions, have courtesy for their fellow graduates, and were all about "look at me." If they happened to be black, than that is of no consequence or bearing bc the dudes job was to keep the line moving so every student can get their 3 seconds of recognition. Now, if he let Billy Bob from Whiteyville, USA do the shoop across the stage, and only physically pushed along the black kids, then I have issue with it...but it is my understanding based on the facts of the story provided and the lack of further details, that it was a handful of kids that so happened to be black that were being disrespectful to their fellow graduates and stealing their graduation moment by acting a fool.

End of story, follow the rules, be considerate of others around you, stop acting like an idiot.
JESUS so much ignorance in this holy ****. I hate politics on this board but I cannot let this abomination of a post slide.

The KKK and slavery is and was conservative, respectively. The classic narrative of the horribly educated right is that "Democrats started the KKK and slavery." That's true. But back in those days "Democrats" were conservative. The confederacy and the south was Democratic. The platforms switched starting with FDR's economic policies and continued over the next several years. This is American history 101. Anyone that says this is beyond ignorant.

I mean literally think of what the word "conservative" means. "Holding to traditional attitudes and values." Slavery was the tradition. They didn't want to get rid of it. Conservative. Jesus ******* christ.

Historically, the Democratic party was the conservative party and preeminent political organization in the USA during the Colonial era. It wasn't until modern politics that Democrat came to stand for the Left & Liberal...cray cray, right?!
He was being selective against the small group that didn't follow directions, have courtesy for their fellow graduates, and were all about "look at me." If they happened to be black, than that is of no consequence or bearing bc the dudes job was to keep the line moving so every student can get their 3 seconds of recognition. Now, if he let Billy Bob from Whiteyville, USA do the shoop across the stage, and only physically pushed along the black kids, then I have issue with it...but it is my understanding based on the facts of the story provided and the lack of further details, that it was a handful of kids that so happened to be black that were being disrespectful to their fellow graduates and stealing their graduation moment by acting a fool.

End of story, follow the rules, be considerate of others around you, stop acting like an idiot.

You’re a little late...
Im curious here & i know im gonna regret jumping into this but what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if a white person was being singled out like that? Are they entitled to the same response? I only ask this cause im into history. I realize as blacks (far more specifically africans) we arent the only people who have suffered through ignorance. We still arent. Is a *** alowed to be as angry as we are? How about a mexican or peruvian an indian? I actually could go on & on with this. Not trying to pick any arguements. Obviously its a sensitive topic to all of us. At a certain point as a people first & foremost we gotta stop with a defeatist mentality. Were not victims to anyone so long as in our minds we know our self worth. I used to be an ANGRY KID. Grew up in an environment thinking everyone was against me for all sorts of reasons. Once i got out my own way i learned to open doors for myself. I realized things i previously saw as a negative atleast in a certain extent were due to my own fvcked up outlook. Obviously this aint saying there isnt pieces of **** in the world or racism etc dont exist. No question its rampant. But we dont have a trademark to say dont tell me nothin cause my ancestors been through this...
Wow appreciate it taking it from a neutral perspective and squashing the negative agenda.. I'm young but I realized everything sucks lol get over it
Im curious here & i know im gonna regret jumping into this but what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if a white person was being singled out like that? Are they entitled to the same response? I only ask this cause im into history. I realize as blacks (far more specifically africans) we arent the only people who have suffered through ignorance. We still arent. Is a *** alowed to be as angry as we are? How about a mexican or peruvian an indian? I actually could go on & on with this. Not trying to pick any arguements. Obviously its a sensitive topic to all of us. At a certain point as a people first & foremost we gotta stop with a defeatist mentality. Were not victims to anyone so long as in our minds we know our self worth. I used to be an ANGRY KID. Grew up in an environment thinking everyone was against me for all sorts of reasons. Once i got out my own way i learned to open doors for myself. I realized things i previously saw as a negative atleast in a certain extent were due to my own fvcked up outlook. Obviously this aint saying there isnt pieces of **** in the world or racism etc dont exist. No question its rampant. But we dont have a trademark to say dont tell me nothin cause my ancestors been through this...

WTF does black graduates feeling they were selectively assaulted, have to do with other races/ethnicities being discriminated against?

So because you feel that black people don't have a trademark on racial injustice, they shouldn't demand justice when racism rears it's ugly face?

You sound just like Coon-ye & that coon ***** He was with, deflecting to Chicago when a Vice Lord or GD didn't have $h!t to do with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.