Shannon Dawson is the New OC/QB Coach

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I'm not gonna complain about this hire. Upgrade from Gattis and potentially will put our guys in opportunistic places to make plays. Not sure of his crootin chops, but if we can light up the scoreboard, I'm all in
Thanks. You were there, literally, so it seemed pertinent to shut that rampant speculation down. “Houston fans said” doesn’t matter when “staffer said the opposite”.

Kinda like when our fans said Manny took over the D for Baker? Then Baker gets fired and Manny definetly took over the defense and we still sucked?
Well, we don't know he was the play-caller, right? This is all rumor from jaded Houston fans. And @JustAFanHTX says that's untrue. And we just took their OC, whenever you take a guy the fans are super scorned. As @TrumpyCane illustrated, the level of comp was very different in first half and second half anyway. But hey... anything is possible, sure.

For me, whether he's great or mid is secondary, he's bringing a 21st century offense in and that will move this program along whether he works out really well or not, know what I mean?

Honestly, I don't think Lashlee is a particularly great OC. Def solid. I think the offense he brought was just less non-sensical for what Miami should be these days. Which is exactly what I hope happens here, but hopefully we will get even more because if Mario's recruiting.
I do understand what you mean in terms of a new and different offense to what we’ve had here at UM. That’s not the issue for me.

But it seems that you are implying that anyone hesitant on the hire shouldn’t be which after getting burned with the last guy that some thought did the play calling and other said he didn’t, it’s hard to decipher at this point.

I will take the word of @JustAFanHTX for sure on this as that’s his school, his land, his area of expertise. But I will still be cautious with it until I see it with my own eyes in real games.
I ‘m sure already posted but unable to find - this is not the SEC hire nor a name that came up in any thread that I recall, correct?
Already interviewing guys for that role. Should have something soon.
Season 4 Success GIF by The Office
So mario likes him because of his run game. Any reason to be concerned here?
Honestly, I don't think Lashlee is a particularly good OC.

Yeah, Lashlee at least had the right idea of what Miami should be.

Spread the field. Go fast. Make the defense make leverage decisions, and then attack the space they thin out either, with RPO or Read-Option. And keep the passing concepts simple with easy reads.

Biggest problem I have with a lot of the “pure” Air Raid guys is they don’t do that.

Very few play with pace.
They aren’t RPO heavy, with some running little to no RPO.
And they aren’t reacting to what the defense chooses.

Leach was the embodiment of that. He had like 5 plays, and he just ran them. It wasn’t as much down and distance and defensive alignment driven. He just called the plays. What the defense was doing was irrelevant to that.

It’s one reason why Leach and some of the pure Air Raid guys can have games where they struggle badly. Because the defense has taken away what the Air Raid wants to do, and it doesn’t have a counter punch. It just keeps calling the mesh and 4 verts.