Seven Mcgee To (Visit) Miami

Who? Can he call plays? I mean you gotta love getting the players but we just got over the worst season I can remember in 30-35 years
More like Meh-ven McGee, amirite?

Jesus. Tough crowd in here. I'd definitely take this kid but like everything else the success of it is going to be contingent on a competent OC actually knowing how/wanting to use him. A RB with good hands is useless when we're putting up 12.6 yds a quarter and run the same 4 passing plays over and over and over.
Hey but a lot of you guys are alright with me lol
Losing naturally creates tension and angst. Winning cures all.

Unfortunately, we've suffered a lot of losing the past two decades. Many refuse to acknowledge any modicum of hope, and revert back to their natural mopey behavior at the first sign of failure. Even worse, we've "won" the off-season too many times, only to fall flat on our faces and reinforce the notion that Miami is all hype. You've always been a realist, and that's what I respect about you.

As a fanbase, we're been conditioned to expect the worse. But - with NIL as a powerful tool, and (for the first time in years) individuals that care about the program at the forefront of decision-making, I have way more confidence in revamping this roster that most. I'm excited to see what the portal brings us and how we close out this recruiting class, and if what you said earlier is true regarding the potential talent which may be brought to Miami, then we should all be excited.
I wish we had a recruiting board!
Rimshot GIF
that's what was reported by an nfl scouting website, 4.30 top and 4.48 high.

I agree the film doesn't look 4.3, closer to 4.5 imo. Still not terrible, looks decent in open space.
I agree, film doesn't show 4.3 from the clips i've seen.

The only mention of 4.3 is by him, in one interview/article i saw. His camp times were in the 4.6s. I'd say 4.5 is probably more accurate with a chance to lower that time as he matures and works more S&C.