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Without TVD, and I don’t expect him to play, we’ll need turnovers.

Canes 19
Holes 17

Gotta take care of this, first and foremost.

Remember, their elite edge rusher got a sack/fumble last year that would up being the difference in the game. Can’t have that this year. Tackles need to be on their ****.
FSU 38 Canes 20.
Sorry. Love Mario.
But, from what I’ve seen, this team is not nearly ready for prime time.

... and Florida State is ready for primetime?

Biggest moment of the year was LSU's clock mismanagement and flopping on an extra point to gift the Noles a win.

Donkeys beat up on Duquesne, Boston College and Georgia Tech, while barely surviving Louisville and losing to Wake Forest, North Carolina State (with a back-up quarterback) and Clemson.

Whatever Miami is or isn't this year, some of y'all acting like this FSU team is 1996-1997 caliber.

The Canes could very well lose this game. So could the Noles. On paper these are two evenly matched teams.

FSU was 6-12 under Norvell in under two seasons when it jumped on UM for a 14-0 lead last year and pulled off 4th-and-14 to beat Miami.

They're 5-3 this year and they're doing victory laps in Trailerhassee when they could easily be 3-5 (LSU, Louisville).

Let's watch it play out Saturday night.
Gattis fixing to open up the play book for this one, fixing to unleash the fury ! He's been vanilla all year just to catch fsu sleeping on us.
fsu- 24
I think TVD will play. If the D comes up big, someone other than Gattis calls the plays, & Mario gets his clock management together we can win it. LETS GO CANES!
Throw it all out--idgaf what the Canes have done the first eight games of this season.

We fuccin'.
We rollin'.
After Saturday we'll be half-way to bowlin'.

No score prediction: we win by exactly 3 points in a back-and-forth bout.
24-21 Canes.

Earn your effing money, Mario. Take a Toradol/Cortisone ****tail shot directly into the shoulder, TVD.

Like the immortal Alfred James Golden Jr. once so wisely proclaimed.....deserve victory!

I ain't conceding **** to this clown.
Let's goooooo!!!! Whoosh. Whoosh.

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I don't know why but I'm expecting to win.

Miami 30 - FSU 23
Ugh. I won’t post the score prediction but I know I won’t be happy.
Ready to pack but didn't here anything yet.
What's the jersey color for Saturday?
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