Off-Topic Schools Are Back and Confronting Severe Learning Losses

Ummm the authoritarians are whitmer, newsome, diblassio and so on.

The other governors believed in personal freedom.

People dont even know what authoritarian means. Lol
Weird how you continually flop between flop between the state and federal powers side when it fits your agenda.
That has nothing to do with anything. They didn’t close schools for two years either.
Weird because teachers have been publicly attacked in FL and there is a massive teacher shortage. No correlation though, gotcha. I'm sure we'll do just fine using military dropouts with PTSD and no formal teaching education to replace them. When that goes wrong we can blame the government all over again woohoo.
This is awful for our kids and our future, and frankly scary.....can you imagine future generations being even dumber than Millenials, Gen X, etc?

Vote D if you want kids this way.

Ds are SINGULARLY responsible for this.
Attack the teachers, attach the scientist, install authoritarian stooges to replace them. Praise the leader. GOP agenda.
Attack groomers who install foolish idealogy in children desperately seeking validation for their own lives, attack (or attach) scientist who failed science and inserted their own foolish idealogy as good public policy, install authoritarian stooges who said elections were illegitimate in 2000 and 2016.

Praise the muppets, open borders, and cheer for infanticide.


Fixed it for you.
Weird because teachers have been publicly attacked in FL and there is a massive teacher shortage. No correlation though, gotcha. I'm sure we'll do just fine using military dropouts with PTSD and no formal teaching education to replace them. When that goes wrong we can blame the government all over again woohoo.
There’s a massive teacher shortage everywhere. And they have been attacked for grooming kids. If you think not being allowed to teach 6 year olds to touch themselves, is over the line, I have news for you. But again it has nothing to do with anything we were discussing.
Weird because teachers have been publicly attacked in FL and there is a massive teacher shortage. No correlation though, gotcha. I'm sure we'll do just fine using military dropouts with PTSD and no formal teaching education to replace them. When that goes wrong we can blame the government all over again woohoo.

Why is DeWine always left out? Heck. He was one of the first to start Covid restrictions. I am sure there were some other GOP Gov. that followed suit.

Uh, yes, you do.

1. To protect your citizens from a mutating your virus to adjusting into your age group.

2. To prevent the medical system from collapsing.

Theres no point in keeping an economy open if the medical system has collapsed and the workforce is ill at home.

Its not even revisionist history at this point, its that you are proclaiming to open everything up without knowing what happens. Even Florida put restrictions up outside of essential services.

And I am not suggesting the way how it was handled was correct. I am suggesting simply letting everything open and play itself is an easy strategy to take if the consequences arent fully known (no, Florida and Sweden are not examples).

sigh I don't know why you even try I really don't.

can you imagine just how FAR ahead of the rest of the world we would be right now if we had stayed open? There would be such an enormous amount of distance between us and 2nd place that we would basically rule the entire planet with impunity.

but no, you were scared this virus was gonna kill off humanity just for the sake of it. You need to just admit how **** wrong you and a ton of others were about this. I pity the kids growing up, they'll never have any idea just how easy life really was at one point not even that long ago.
Why is DeWine always left out? Heck. He was one of the first to start Covid restrictions. I am sure there were some other GOP Gov. that followed suit.
'Left out' of what? Lol'ing @you for thinking DeWine is some darling of conservatism...
sigh I don't know why you even try I really don't.

can you imagine just how FAR ahead of the rest of the world we would be right now if we had stayed open? There would be such an enormous amount of distance between us and 2nd place that we would basically rule the entire planet with impunity.

but no, you were scared this virus was gonna kill off humanity just for the sake of it. You need to just admit how **** wrong you and a ton of others were about this. I pity the kids growing up, they'll never have any idea just how easy life really was at one point not even that long ago.
Some still believe there weren't millions of us who said FU to the covid scandal, that because in their little echo chambers they never stumbled across everyone who would laugh in their face at their antics - that they're still morally right. Some still believe, like flat-earthers, that lock-downs (could) work, that masks work(ed), that the mRNA drugs were 'vaccines' and that the masters running the hoax had their best interests at heart.
He should be included when bashing the states that closed down.. seems he is not ever mentioned for some reason
Oddly enough I have a good amount of extended family in Ohio - so I feel bit bad that I DGAF about DeWine, did DeWine go all Mussolini on Americans living in Ohio? I hope not.