Off-Topic Schools Are Back and Confronting Severe Learning Losses


Head Meshuggah
Nov 3, 2011
This is awful for our kids and our future, and frankly scary.....can you imagine future generations being even dumber than Millenials, Gen X, etc?

The rich and powerful who did this have their kids in private and charter schools. They don’t want that as an option for the normal person. Even worse they have convinced a lot of people that the common person shouldn’t be afforded that option via school choice and the money following the child.
But hey, at least they know everyone is a winner even when you are not and they know what a transvestite is. They know there are countless different genders (derp), you know, the important things in life............
This country, and the world, really, are beyond doomed.
Other countries are seeing it and noping out. We just have to hit a rock bottom before people realize how conned they have been.
And when did they start giving out participation trophies and not keeping score for sports events? That has been awhile ago compared to identities.
We need to shut down schools for a virus that is less deadly to children than the flu.

But you’re not a doctor so what do you know???

We have to trust the experts. They went to school for 25 years to get those degrees. So if they say shutting down schools will save lives and have zero effect on kids, I’m gonna trust them. They know better than the actual data. Which btw they are the only ones smart enough to understand!
U no, my money does foller my younguns to private skool. Lease dey kin reed an rite gud like dey daddy!
But you’re not a doctor so what do you know???

We have to trust the experts. They went to school for 25 years to get those degrees. So if they say shutting down schools will save lives and have zero effect on kids, I’m gonna trust them. They know better than the actual data. Which btw they are the only ones smart enough to understand!
Sure, we should have just let everything open and let an unknown virus go rampant on the public. Smart idea.

And kids are absolutely incapable of transmitting the virus to more endangered people. I completely forgot, kids never transmit diseases to others.

Okay, lets end the sarcasm for a moment and lets be real: What was the alternative? Let everything open as it used to be? Ok. What happens then? No one knows.
Sure, we should have just let everything open and let an unknown virus go rampant on the public. Smart idea.

And kids are absolutely incapable of transmitting the virus to more endangered people. I completely forgot, kids never transmit diseases to others.

Okay, lets end the sarcasm for a moment and lets be real: What was the alternative? Let everything open as it used to be? Ok. What happens then? No one knows.
There was also an issue of where these shutdowns happened. FL had schools open for the 20-21 school year with masks in most places and additional distancing and reduced extracurriculars to minimize exposure. We also had zoom classes optional for kids whose aprents would rather them not go. Other states were significantly more restricted and caused a lot of the issues we're reading about.
Maybee yur Lil Becky kin teech my boy Bucky how tu reed.
lol Becky iz sharp az a tac. She sho wood be a gud teecher but she haz catfish noodlin praktiss on Thurzdays an gator rastlin on Toosday sew mebee dey kin reed on Windsday.
Sure, we should have just let everything open and let an unknown virus go rampant on the public. Smart idea.

And kids are absolutely incapable of transmitting the virus to more endangered people. I completely forgot, kids never transmit diseases to others.

Okay, lets end the sarcasm for a moment and lets be real: What was the alternative? Let everything open as it used to be? Ok. What happens then? No one knows.
Yea we do.

Look at florida statistics.

Just because yall were scared of a girly virus doesnt mean it should of effected the rest of our lives.

If yall wanted to stay home then stay home.
Sure, we should have just let everything open and let an unknown virus go rampant on the public. Smart idea.

And kids are absolutely incapable of transmitting the virus to more endangered people. I completely forgot, kids never transmit diseases to others.

Okay, lets end the sarcasm for a moment and lets be real: What was the alternative? Let everything open as it used to be? Ok. What happens then? No one knows.
Uh... yes? We knew early on this wasn't a threat to 99.9% of healthy people. We should have qt'd the elderly and comorbid - not the whole damned population.
Amazing some people still trust the corrupt/fascist/ignorant powers who 'sheepherded' us through the 'pandemic'... still simping for awful policy.
This is awful for our kids and our future, and frankly scary.....can you imagine future generations being even dumber than Millenials, Gen X, etc?

Its bad bad. While there was an effort to keep student learning afloat, those two years of COVID madness in schools had some terrible learning losses, especially on some important pivot/transition grades.

What we know now was no more or less than we knew very early on in the pandemic with children and school. The nation just decided it was ok for kids to lose years of learning. Its a shame.

Those two years of schooling were essentially Kabuki Theatre, unfortunately. Performative nonsense with no plan of action to keep schooling afloat. "Teachers, figure it out, fvck you."
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