saw this on twitter - Coach Swasey Related

Swaseys has somehow managed to make a fortune without even having a degree in his field. Only at Miami lol.

Kind of makes sense...we have a head coach who cant coach. Ive said this many times, I need to apply for a job at UM
Swasey should be gone based on how bad our team fell apart in the fourth quarter. He might be a good strength coach, but our guys are not conditioned to play four quarters!

That used to be our big advantage, and we were never particularly big and strong, compared to a lot of the teams we played. Our strength room numbers this past fall were the best I've ever seen, but maybe we need to go back to emphasizing flexibility, explosion and conditioning. I think that's his approach and he might not be happy with this newer emphasis.

I think we might have gotten too big on both sides of the ball and lost our advantages in conditioning and quickness.
Swasey has been the one and only constant in our 10-year run of mediocrity. We've changed head coaches, coordinators, systems, schemes, ADs, stadiums, and even conferences. But the one thing that has stayed in place this whole time is Swasey. I think it's time to try something different.

You are leaving out one crucial person other than Swasey that has been here for the whole schit show.She has much more power and influence than Swasey EVER will.
If you think Swasey is the problem. You're an idiot.
True.... Sean taylor, Andre Johnson, willis McGahee, Jon vilma, Clinton ports... Etc he trained them all.... He is one of the main reasons they come back to the U in the offseason to train.....

LOL. Ever here of Tommy Moffit? He is the one who is credited. Swasey has a sociology degree from Baylor

Ive never held an opinion on the whole coach Swasey issue simply because I could never figure out if he was a problem or not. I could never eliminate the variable of bad coaching long enough to fully evaluate coach Swasey. lol That said, I'll say this;

If Andrew Swasey has been working in his field at the university level for over a decade and does not have his certification, then he should be terminated, regardless of this new regulation. That tells me that dude found a gig and got complacent. How can he be expected to drive others to higher levels of success if he doesnt live it himself?
Everybody Stfu!!!!!