saw this on twitter - Coach Swasey Related


Jul 1, 2012
Exit1_Best ‏@Did_It_Best 39m39 minutes ago
Rumor is coach swasey not happy at Da U 😩 wtf going on maaaaaan
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Exit1_Best ‏@Did_It_Best 39m39 minutes ago
Rumor is coach swasey not happy at Da U wtf going on maaaaaan

He probably disagrees with beefing every player up like cattle for slaughter. Perhaps he understands the negative effect of it and how it can hurt his rep.

When will this nightmare end?

All is good, 6am workout...Train like a Cane
He's working for a ******. That's never fun.

And he's probably catching flack for ruining Chick and Perryman by making them look like a couple of bloated French geese because people are too stupid to realize that was the HC's decision.
Maybe Swasey actually gets it and is tired of being surrounded by the loser soft excuse making Al Golden approach
Swasey should be gone based on how bad our team fell apart in the fourth quarter. He might be a good strength coach, but our guys are not conditioned to play four quarters!
Swasey should be gone based on how bad our team fell apart in the fourth quarter. He might be a good strength coach, but our guys are not conditioned to play four quarters!

That's partially due to the scheme they're in. They rarely get 3 and outs. Take the GT game as an example. The poor game plan led to the offense having only 3 possessions in the 2nd half. I don't know any D that is conditioned for that kinda pile-driving
Nobody is happy there. but winning cures all. just finish games and win and we wont hear any of this.

There is no cure for cancer. The Al Golden tumor must be surgically removed

that's a powerful statement ima use that... But personally i think swasey need to shut his mouth hes lucky he still has a job, when most coaches take over the first person they get rid of is the S&C coach, Hes living off the success of former players that's doing good in the NFL he needs to stay in his lane like art kehoe.
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LOL People acting like Swasey was ruined by Golden.

Swasey sucked with Coker, AND Randy, AND Golden.

Just b/c Golden is a disgrace doesn't mean Swasey isn't a piece of **** too. Guy should have been fired ten time over already. Nobody should survive THREE failed regimes. Sorry.