I'll never understand how the NCAA gave them a pass like they did.
If there ever., in the history of sports was a 'death penalty' offense, that should have been it.
I can't wait till [MENTION=9161]CaneFan79[/MENTION] gets in here and lets loose
Man, feel like I'm running out of the smoke.
Quite simply, Pedo State hired the "right people" to resurrect their image. By right people, I mean those political power brokers whose business is selling influence in the halls of government and government is the only thing that can take away Marky Mark Emmert's kingdom...And Pedo State knows it.
When the sanctions were reduced in 2013, check out these qoutes from the story:
"The executive committee's decision to restore football scholarship opportunities for more student-athletes at Penn State is an important recognition of the university's progress -- and one I know it was pleased to make," Emmert said."
"Emmert insisted the reductions didn't come because the original sanctions were deemed too severe, but because of the good-faith efforts by Penn State.
Former FBI director Louis J. Freeh, who led the university's investigation of the scandal, had outlined 119 recommendations in his report for the school to implement."
"Penn State has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to fulfilling the requirements of the athletics integrity commitment," said George Mitchell,
a former U.S. senator who as athletics integrity officer has monitored the university's adherence to the sanctions. "The amount of time, energy and resources devoted to these efforts have been notable."
Pedo State fed the gravy train and Emmert heard the dog whistle; abused children don't matter, the ability to "self-police" and make $$$$ matter. Greasing the right palms was Pedo State's real price and once paid, Emmert did as instructed.
This alludes to Donna's critical mistake in dealing with the NCAA; she thought her political connections were enough and found they weren't, especially when salacious details from a ponzi schemer are easy to read and the horrific crimes of 'Ol Jer turn your stomach. Donna was at a disadvantage being a private school (remember, Emmert and the NCAA can only be killed by governments), and bungled her way through it as bad as she did the Ceders Hospital deal.
NCAA problems? Call the Law Firm of Bush, Clinton, Chaney, and Obama and watch Emmert wilt like those cheap Valentine flowers tommorrow...