Sam Bruce

Anybody that wants Sam back hasn’t kept up with him at Southeastern University. If you can’t be the top receiver at a small Pentecostal school that isn’t event junior college level then why bring you back to P5?
What you got against Pentecostals? Now, I'm not Pentecostal, don't even know what that is.

No Pentecostal Fire Drill jokes, either.
Some of yall just got far too much free time. If what Sam was doing that got him kicked off the team would've been exposed lord knows we woulda had national headaches. Always a unique spin to what a Miami kid does opposed to kids from other colleges. Besides his personal life, he's honestly not that good.
Can you elaborate
You all crucify Cager but some of you want Sam back? Why? As others have said, he made a minimal impact at an NAIA school.

Please let that sink in for a second.
Why are people still talking about Sam Bruce?!? Because of some highlights in shorts from a half decade ago? The dude is barely producing at a speck on the radar school.
Willie Williams too.
I believe Kevin grooms got a year left too..bring back dionte too
Pimps don't cry.
As many chances as we give kids who don't produce (NKosi), why not give him a chance? I mean, he's from the crib and wanted to be here. No brainer IMO