Saban calls out Miami while complaining about NIL

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SEC commissioner Greg Sankey reprimanded both Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher and Alabama coach Nick Saban after the two ignited a fiery feud this week.
“The membership of the Southeastern Conference has established expectations for conduct and sportsmanship that were not met last night nor today,” Sankey said. “A hallmark of the SEC is intense competition within an environment of collaboration. Public criticism of any kind does not resolve issues and creates a distraction from seeking solutions for the issues facing college athletics today.”
Not the onion?
FSU has lost the will to live. Their backs are broken.


Jeezuz, it's pathetic. They used to brag about what a great program they were and how much money they had, now they're reduced to applauding a loser coach. Keep telling yourself that he's losing because of his integrity you clowns.

SEC commissioner Greg Sankey reprimanded both Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher and Alabama coach Nick Saban after the two ignited a fiery feud this week.
“The membership of the Southeastern Conference has established expectations for conduct and sportsmanship that were not met last night nor today,” Sankey said. “A hallmark of the SEC is intense competition within an environment of collaboration. Public criticism of any kind does not resolve issues and creates a distraction from seeking solutions for the issues facing college athletics today.”
How Dare You Greta GIF
As I stated before in this thread, Sabag should’ve kept his ego in check. He let that little dyck syndrome take a hold of him, and he ***** the bed in a major way.

Now every player that was offered or given bags by Baga (and their mommas, dads, brothers, aunties, dogs and cats), are gonna sing like birds.

Gentlemen, we might be seeing the beginning of the end for Little Nicky and his criminal enterprise. I know that usually nothing will happen here, but this feels different. Could get real ugly for him real quick. That’s why the MSM is out doing quality control for him ASAP.
Not so fast. He'll get his sh*t under control and this will die down. You overestimate the willingness of the press to kill the golden goose, and the public at large will have absolutely no problem ignoring this.
OK, so you're going to cherry-pick the 3 worst SEC football schools to prove that racism doesn't exist?

And football is absolutely about race and class and the Confederacy, at least to the plantation schools and their older alums. I'm sure no SEC schools or their alums fought long and hard to retain Confederate nicknames and symbols, now, did they?
Jesus Christ, man. Why in the world do you go there? It's football. Go do social justice somewhere else.
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