Rumor...mass exodus planned

I believe it. I could see duke, flowers, howard, bush, mccord, etc etc. All of them leaving. It would be dumb for their careers. But I could see it
players are probably the only people that want Golden to stay...
I'll be honest. It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit at all. You can't be blind to these things. It happened when he arrived. Some turnovers can happen. A good hire could keep it together though.

Their could be some players who shouldn't leave early who will end up doing so. Don't be so naive, it happens.
This reminds me of the Jeff Ireland situation. He was a cancer for years as the Dolphins GM and upper management ignored this for a while....smh
People who rush to say bullshyt are the same people who have been gumming Folden's impotent weener for 4 years.

What's so hard to believe about players being fed up being held hostage by Folden and wasting their careers? I personally know 2 star players who hate Folden for wasting all the talent on the team and totally regret coming here.

They openly quit in the final 2 games of this year and the final few games of last year. What's so hard to believe?

For one they lose a year by transferring. Not many of these kids want to lose a year of game play while having to take classes and maintain eligibility at the same time.

Any player that actively quits is risking their future because that **** is on tape and the tape doesn't lie.

No. they transfer to FCS, and they play immediately. Do you think they want to transfer to a lower tier school? of course not. But some have come to this decision, as the last resort, the lesser of two evils.
True or not, it's fuggin hilarious when one porster comes out and says they heard something from an anonymous source, then all these new insiders come out of nowhere claiming they heard something too.
I knew what I heard wasn't b.s, I heard some juniors were leaving and someone told me the obvious Duke and flowers....I was like no not draftees, I'm talking about, golden pls resign man!!! nobody wants you!!!
Very little time left to make coaching change. Many players unhappy and looking for the door. No I will not give names. If no change is made before the end of semester they are leaving. I'm not trolling here this is directly from a player.

Will you go with them . What a douchebag
People that rush to say "bullshyt" look and sound stupid.

Uhh well the same people that say Bull$hit maybe call it Bull$hit cause they have two relatives that are on the team. who do you know that's on the team? Sips tea

Shut up.

Aren't you the clown that followed Dalvin Cook and his family to a birthday party and forced them to take pictures with you at gunpoint?

Then you porsted the pictures all over the internetz saying 'look at me and my boy Dalvin'.....lulz.
Why not. The fans are already making a mass exodus, and we only deal with the used car salesman 1 x week. Must be **** to deal with him day to day.
People that rush to say "bullshyt" look and sound stupid.

Uhh well the same people that say Bull$hit maybe call it Bull$hit cause they have two relatives that are on the team. who do you know that's on the team? Sips tea

Shut up.

Aren't you the clown that followed Dalvin Cook and his family to a birthday party and forced them to take pictures with you at gunpoint?

Then you porsted the pictures all over the internetz saying 'look at me and my boy Dalvin'.....lulz.

Nope....wrong guy clown! You know its more than 1 person that went to Central right *******
People that rush to say "bullshyt" look and sound stupid.

Uhh well the same people that say Bull$hit maybe call it Bull$hit cause they have two relatives that are on the team. who do you know that's on the team? Sips tea

Shut up.

Aren't you the clown that followed Dalvin Cook and his family to a birthday party and forced them to take pictures with you at gunpoint?

Then you porsted the pictures all over the internetz saying 'look at me and my boy Dalvin'.....lulz.

Nope....wrong guy clown! You know its more than 1 person that went to Central right *******

Nah, it was you. Same fairy claiming to know players on the team, same fairy sipping tea, same fairy stalking Dalvin Cook claiming to be boys with him.
Very little time left to make coaching change. Many players unhappy and looking for the door. No I will not give names. If no change is made before the end of semester they are leaving. I'm not trolling here this is directly from a player.
Why say anything but not give names. Makes you full of ****
People that rush to say "bullshyt" look and sound stupid.

Uhh well the same people that say Bull$hit maybe call it Bull$hit cause they have two relatives that are on the team. who do you know that's on the team? Sips tea

Shut up.

Aren't you the clown that followed Dalvin Cook and his family to a birthday party and forced them to take pictures with you at gunpoint?

Then you porsted the pictures all over the internetz saying 'look at me and my boy Dalvin'.....lulz.

Nope....wrong guy clown! You know its more than 1 person that went to Central right *******

Nah, it was you. Same fairy claiming to know players on the team, same fairy sipping tea, same fairy stalking Dalvin Cook claiming to be boys with him.

Find where I said that and prove me wrong! Go through all of my 269 posts and find it
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