Off-Topic Rotator cuff

Ha. I didn’t get surgery! Had partial tears + impingement in both. One from externally rotating a heavy dumbbell as I stupidly put down the weight from an incline bench. The other after buying a mountain bike during the pandemic and taking a header over the steering wheel.

The weightlifting one felt more like it had built up over time and twinged in that moment. I didn't touch a weight for those 6 months. Did tons of PT. Whether it helped or not, I did acupuncture. Constantly carried bands with me.

Now I warm up like an old *** man before touching weights and am very careful with anything overhead or heavy. You don't realize how disabling a bad shoulder can be until it happens, I guess. Glad you got over yours, man.
LOL. Young me stretched for 5 minutes and worked out for 1 hour 25 minutes. Now, I warm up for 1 hour 25 minutes and lift for 5 minutes! La vejez!
I had a left shoulder torn rotator cuff, had surgery, tripped and fell a month later, landed on the left elbow elbow. This gave me an idea of what my mother Went through, giving me birth. Had second surgery on what was now spaghetti strands of ligament. It failed, I have atrophy of the supraspinatus, can’t raise my arm beyond elbow level. But thank God I can still do the things that grandma said will make go blind…
I am wincing just thinking about this.
If you’re in Miami, Dr. Joseph Fernández, at Baptist, did a phenomenal job on my rotator cuff. He’s the best.
If anyone has any input with ways of fixing would love to hear. If you are in the know do you know anything about King Brand rotator cuff injury treatment. TIA.
Before you get surgery, try rehab. I literally do this rotator cuff before every upper body workout and have done so for 20 years when I first started having rotator cuff problems and everyone said I would need surgery.

Take light dumbbells; 5-10 pounds, put your elbows at your side, palms facing in holding the dumbbells. While keeping your elbows tucked against your side, swing your arms out from your body (keep elbow against your body at all times). And then return your arms/hands to their original position. Do this 10-15 times.
Using the same dumbbells, raise your arms so that your elbow is in line with your shoulder and your hand is in the air facing forward. Your arm should be at a 90 degree angle. Lower your hands/dumbbells until they are even with your shoulder; while keeping the 90 degree angle to your arm. Then return your hand/dumbbell to its original position. Do this 10-15 times.

In fact, do these exercises with no weight to gain an understanding of the movements and then use some weight.

Do that every day or every other day and your rotator cuffs will become stronger. The problem for most of us is that we work our shoulders but don’t bother to warm up our rotator cuffs.
If anyone has any input with ways of fixing would love to hear. If you are in the know do you know anything about King Brand rotator cuff injury treatment. TIA.
robot masturbating GIF
Lots of familiar stories/treatments in here.

I tore my labrum over last summer and had a rotator cuff impingement. Surgery apparently wasn't necessitated but I'm still only at like 60% of where I want to be and am getting frustrated that the annoyances with it (waking up with complete stiffness, occasional shooting pains, limited overall strength) might be permanent even as I'm still doing the rehab workouts.

Cortisone shots work wonders the first time you get one. Diminishing results on subsequent ones and you can end up actually doing more damage than good if you get too many.

What everyone is saying in here is correct though. You'll absolutely need an MRI and a good orthopedic surgeon. The wait time for the later can be beyond ridiculous. If you do need surgery the rehab times are almost always much longer than you'd actually anticipate.

Funny side note- my doctor is Danny Kanell's father. That's probably why I'm still not where I want to be.
As an aside, I have often wondered how professional football players return from rotator cuff surgery. Not because you can't get back to 100% or close to it, but I am so much more cognizant now of how delicate the shoulder is; I don't know how those guys play 1 hit away from re-injury. I've had a couple scares here and there with random pain or a couple silly falls and I get this sinking feeling I tore it again. In fact, this past weekend I was pushing some kids on a snow sled and pushed so hard I fell. I landed on my repaired shoulder and had a jolt of pain that resulted in me thinking "Oh, **** what did I do?" And I'm not having 6'3" 235 pound guys running into me! Those guys ought to get paid!
You know what I’m talking about…
Lots of familiar stories/treatments in here.

I tore my labrum over last summer and had a rotator cuff impingement. Surgery apparently wasn't necessitated but I'm still only at like 60% of where I want to be and am getting frustrated that the annoyances with it (waking up with complete stiffness, occasional shooting pains, limited overall strength) might be permanent even as I'm still doing the rehab workouts.

Cortisone shots work wonders the first time you get one. Diminishing results on subsequent ones and you can end up actually doing more damage than good if you get too many.

What everyone is saying in here is correct though. You'll absolutely need an MRI and a good orthopedic surgeon. The wait time for the later can be beyond ridiculous. If you do need surgery the rehab times are almost always much longer than you'd actually anticipate.

Funny side note- my doctor is Danny Kanell's father. That's probably why I'm still not where I want to be.
And they’ll give you a cortisone shot without blinking. Pre-surgery, I was told that the repeated cortisone shots probably contributed to a weakened joint overall.
And they’ll give you a cortisone shot without blinking. Pre-surgery, I was told that the repeated cortisone shots probably contributed to a weakened joint overall.
Exactly and absolutely true regarding repeated shots.
If anyone has any input with ways of fixing would love to hear. If you are in the know do you know anything about King Brand rotator cuff injury treatment. TIA.
FIRST ROUTE = physical therapy with a quality physical therapist. I have a rotator cuff issue with my right shoulder and labrum with my left. Hung up my golf clubs 5 weeks ago .. got into a PT program with a really knowledgeable group .. lot of band stretches .. light dumbbell work / stretches .. am playing golf again next week. PT is always the best thing to try before cutting. 15 years ago I had a nasty back issue .. two specialists recommended a spinal fusion. Went to the 3rd specialist .. Dr. Jon Hyde .. Miami Beach Spine Clinic. Dr. Hyde said "yes their diagnosis makes sense .. I can see why they recommend fusion .. HOWEVER .. before we even consider the 'F' word .. I'm giving you a scrip for physical therapy. Still do the PT back stretches .. and everything is working fine!!
The owner here had this surgery couple years ago.
He had a cable and pulley set up in the warehouse ( still there ) and everyday he did his cable therapy 2-3 times a day never missed a day.

Now he’s back to his golf and he’s like it never happened and doesn’t mention it unless asked .
Had an MRI yesterday for a shoulder injury (bmx ramp wipeout)...rotator cuff good, but torn labrum and floating piece of cartilage in my shoulder. Might need a little arthroscopy to remove the cartilage but hopefully just PT for the labrum.