
Sep 22, 2014
Dunno is this was already discussed. Haven't signed on in a while.

I like the recruiting class and the progress, but don't like to see players getting dismissed for what looks to be minor team rule violations.

From the article below, looks like that was the norm at Georgia. Sign a top 10 class. A few top recruits misbehave according to Richt, and they end up transferring. Then Georgia would not meet expectations. They were good, not great.

Most of you will agree we don't just want a good team. We want a GREAT team that competes for National Championships again every year.

I know everyone's excited, but I think it's important to point this out.

And yes, I expect a bunch of "We don't want thugs" responses, but let's face it. In this day and age, if a top recruit gets caught smoking weed, should Richt expel him from the team and is that really considered a "Thug"?

Will Miami's recruiting classes under Mark Richt mirror his early success at Georgia? - ACC Blog- ESPN
He wants his guys.

Just like every other single coach in every single sport in the world.
I have no problem with the way Richt is running our program! I have not felt this good about the direction of the program in over a decade!!!
Dunno is this was already discussed. Haven't signed on in a while.

I like the recruiting class and the progress, but don't like to see players getting dismissed for what looks to be minor team rule violations.

From the article below, looks like that was the norm at Georgia. Sign a top 10 class. A few top recruits misbehave according to Richt, and they end up transferring. Then Georgia would not meet expectations. They were good, not great.

Most of you will agree we don't just want a good team. We want a GREAT team that competes for National Championships again every year.

I know everyone's excited, but I think it's important to point this out.

And yes, I expect a bunch of "We don't want thugs" responses, but let's face it. In this day and age, if a top recruit gets caught smoking weed, should Richt expel him from the team and is that really considered a "Thug"?

Will Miami's recruiting classes under Mark Richt mirror his early success at Georgia? - ACC Blog- ESPN
Cool, so you know they were minor how?
Hey Nevin, we just got off probation....and we were lucky that the NCAA screwed up the investigation or the sanctions would have been significantly more severe.

These kids are getting a $200,000 education for it too much to ask that they just don't break the freakin law?....................

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Although I have no problem with MR... As someone with a very close friend being a UGA alum, the consensus was that Richt did get a bit too trigger happy toward the end of his tenure there and ran a lot of guys off maybe too quickly.

However, to me it seems Richt has learned from a lot of his mistakes at UGA and my friend has said he definitely is already looking completely reenergized compared to how things had gotten at UGA (and most don't even think it's entirely Richt's fault). For example, I think there's a very good chance a guy like Haskins would have been run off early instead of getting the second chance.

Obviously a guy like Sam Bruce likely needed that to happen to actually get his **** together. Personally, I love Richt as a coach and I think he will be even better here than he was at UGA.
I don't know jack ****,... But it seems to me if a guy gets caught smoking weed (be it a minor issue or not),.. And nothing more than a "naughty boy" happens,.. Next time,.. Its a few guys were caught smoking weed,.. And nothing happens,.. Pretty soon we gonna field a team full o pothaeds!! Speaking from plenty of experience,.. Hard to stay focussed when weed is one of your priorities in life! Let the man do work!,.. So far,.. Save a few overly conservative games being called,.. He's doin it up pretty **** well for us!! ......JMO!!
I don't know jack ****,... But it seems to me if a guy gets caught smoking weed (be it a minor issue or not),.. And nothing more than a "naughty boy" happens,.. Next time,.. Its a few guys were caught smoking weed,.. And nothing happens,.. Pretty soon we gonna field a team full o pothaeds!! Speaking from plenty of experience,.. Hard to stay focussed when weed is one of your priorities in life! Let the man do work!,.. So far,.. Save a few overly conservative games being called,.. He's doin it up pretty **** well for us!! ......JMO!!

One of the best posts ever! luv ya man- Let him do his job- we don't know **** compared to his experience and knowledge; so support the Canes and otherwise shut the *** up with the constant suggestions, demands, and errant evaluations of the staff.
gg, My guess is that Richt gives them a short leash but at least a leach. An example is the kid that had the dwi last year that got booted. He had a history. He also gave Bruce a few chances.
Shut up hoe. We just got off probation. Would you rather he have art briles mentality?
I like the fact that Richt runs a tight ship. I would not be surprised if the administration prefers it that way (no inside knowledge on this). The university and the way it is run is much more important to me than its football results.
First of all, you're a Fish for taking that bull**** bait from an E$ECPN article clearly aiming to take shots at Richt while protecting one of their SEC darlings.

Second of all, Pastor Richt is Pastor Richt for a reason... Every kid he recruits is well aware of his strict disciplinarian style, I personally am not as much on board with that, but it's not something to complain about either.

Every recruit we get knows what expected of them, I don't think kids should get kicked off the team just for smoking weed, but at the same time when you sign up to play for Richt you should be plenty aware of what he'll tolerate.

What I hope is that whoever is close to these kids or has their ear can get them the message clear...
Mark Richt doesn't play bull**** games Son, if you can't handle it, then don't sign.
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Aside from NCAA biased there is a reason you rarely hear about players from Bama doing all this "thug" stuff. There is also a reason you rarely hear about Patriots players in the news also. It's discipline, those coaches are super high on discipline it brings success on the field and guys know that spots are limited. If they ***** up they gone.

I would love for us to get to the same place. As they say you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Richt was not trigger happy at Georgia. He gave lots of second and third chances. He aiight.