Richt’s retirement

Mark Richt is universally liked, admired and respected in the college football world.

No one is more disappointed in how last year turned out than Coach one!

He nobly walked away from millions of dollars that had he elected to stay would have captured most, if not all those dollars, which would have made hiring a quality head coach and assistants a near financial impossibility. Instead, he did what was best for the program, not he and his family, much like the million dollars he donated to ensure the indoor practice facility could become a reality.

Yet, certain HERD members, who have to always be hating on something with a connection to UM sports, continue to hurl ignorant, stupid cheap shots at the man and his family.

Folks, it is 15-years past the time to stand-up and strongly push back on the HERD haters who have, by their vile words and actions, done incalculable damage to the Canes football program.

With one hundred percent certainty, the first bump in the road by the Diaz led Canes will see the HERD come oozing out of their stagnant shanties and start lambasting every facet of the program because that's what they do, that is their oxygen.
Mark Richt is universally liked, admired and respected in the college football world.

No one is more disappointed in how last year turned out than Coach one!

He nobly walked away from millions of dollars that had he elected to stay would have captured most, if not all those dollars, which would have made hiring a quality head coach and assistants a near financial impossibility. Instead, he did what was best for the program, not he and his family, much like the million dollars he donated to ensure the indoor practice facility could become a reality.

Yet, certain HERD members, who have to always be hating on something with a connection to UM sports, continue to hurl ignorant, stupid cheap shots at the man and his family.

Folks, it is 15-years past the time to stand-up and strongly push back on the HERD haters who have, by their vile words and actions, done incalculable damage to the Canes football program.

With one hundred percent certainty, the first bump in the road by the Diaz led Canes will see the HERD come oozing out of their stagnant shanties and start lambasting every facet of the program because that's what they do, that is their oxygen.

My friend who went to UM at the time richt did said he never liked UM all that much and he always spent weekends in Boca with his now wife

Have to remember that while Mark graduated HS in Boca, he was originally from Omaha and came to Boca when he was older. Back then Boca was pretty much a one horse town too. I wish him well wherever he lives. He left as a good Cane helping the program the best he could. I spent this year trashing him but his exit was pure top end class.
IMO, Richt will coach again. Before we know it, Mark will put the Band back together. Kate will be serving water and John richt will actually be calling plays because he has three years of Collegiate coaching experience.
There are numerous testimonies from former players in particular that came from one parent families about how Richt helped them more about becoming responsible adults, parents and productive members of society, than how he helped them on football field.

See him getting somehow in that type of counseling, mentoring position.
Will move back to Athens and will probally work for UGA in the future kind of like what Fulmer did at Tenn.

I’m guessing he will be a football ambassador or something along those lines.
They want nothing to do wit that bozo lmdo!
I would imagine he moves back to Georgia and does one of the following:

- Becomes a Pastor or some type of ministry work
- Runs for some type of political office after a year or so off
Listen, there is not another person more excited about Diaz becoming head coach and this whole #TNM thing! I think Diaz understands the swagger, vibe, “bad boy” image that draws big talent to Miami and makes us great. But for the first time in forever (insert Fozen sound track) Miami put money up to get a proven HC in Richt. Richt brought a respectability to Miami in the eyes of college football that had been lacking since early 2000’s. The 1 mil, getting practice facilities and such have already been noted, but he showed everyone (including the board and donors) what Miami could be with those prime time wins against VT and Notre Dame... not to mention getting to ACC game... he preached loyalty and that became his fault. Everyone knew the offense was not working and he did everyone a solid and stepped away. Is the program semminly going in a better direction with Diaz? YES! But I have to at least acknowledge what was accomplished with new facility, beating FSU, ACC championship game, New Year’s Day bowl, and his BEST accomplishment of stepping when he realized the decision he made for him to be OC and son QB coach did not work. I appreciate what he did, what he tried, and stepping down when it was best.

To quote Batman: "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Thanks Richt, good luck! Let’s go Diaz and #TNM
Possibly, but I can tell you this. I lot of people in Georgia really don't like him.
False. My brother is ER training doc at UGA, they feel same as many here- appreciate him but want somebody to win it all. They already don’t like Kirby as a person and just hoping he can win... but he is already being criticized
False. My brother is ER training doc at UGA, they feel same as many here- appreciate him but want somebody to win it all. They already don’t like Kirby as a person and just hoping he can win... but he is already being criticized
Don't get me wrong, enough people like him. I'm talking in reference to those that believe he's a shoe in to be Governor or Senator if he'd run. We'd play in his 7v7 every year in Athens, and I can tell you that he turns off a lot of people. My interactions with the guy were neutral personally. Can only speak about his tenure in Athens. Had no contact with him when he was at the U
I wish him good luck wherever he goes but I hope on TV because I think he could kill it
I wish him well but I don't think he'd do well on TV as an analyst/announcer. He literally knows nothing about modern offense, game planning, scheming, etc.