Richards weight room gains


Dec 4, 2011
Richards has been putting in work in the weight room
You have to like the fact that in most pictures that Matty Potts posted to Instagram Kosi and Richards were right next to each other.

ahh I can hear it now "pressure on perry, he escapes..throws it deep got a man out there! It's Richards....touchdown!!! what a play by perry!"
Kosi is tiny.... wow

Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

Does it really matter?

Kaaya wasn't necessarily the "biggest" dude coming out of high school, and he had a solid freshman year (was not his fault we went 6-7).
Good point, kaaya came in actually overweight weighing 225 plus and the coaches cut his weight considerably.
It don't matter the 2 toughest qbs I saw last year was deondre francois and Lamar Jackson and each weighed 205 or less and they took hella hits
Kosi is tiny.... wow

Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

Does it really matter?

Kaaya wasn't necessarily the "biggest" dude coming out of high school, and he had a solid freshman year (was not his fault we went 6-7).
Good point, kaaya came in actually overweight weighing 225 plus and the coaches cut his weight considerably.
It don't matter the 2 toughest qbs I saw last year was deondre francois and Lamar Jackson and each weighed 205 or less and they took hella hits

Ok, so he was overweight (that definitely wasn't muscle weight). Which is worse? An athletic QB who might need to put on some (good) weight, or a relatively unathletic QB who needs to lose weight?

Regardless, I think getting bigger is the least of N'Kosi's worries at the moment.
Kosi is tiny.... wow

Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

Does it really matter?

Kaaya wasn't necessarily the "biggest" dude coming out of high school, and he had a solid freshman year (was not his fault we went 6-7).
Good point, kaaya came in actually overweight weighing 225 plus and the coaches cut his weight considerably.
It don't matter the 2 toughest qbs I saw last year was deondre francois and Lamar Jackson and each weighed 205 or less and they took hella hits

Jared Goff was like 6'4" 175lbs as a true frosh starting QB for Cal. He stood strong in the pocket and took a beating all year.
Nkosi is bigger/stronger/more athletic than Goff as a frosh. I don't think his size will play any role in whether he wins the job or not. His accuracy and knowledge of the playbook will.
Kosi is tiny.... wow

Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

Does it really matter?

Kaaya wasn't necessarily the "biggest" dude coming out of high school, and he had a solid freshman year (was not his fault we went 6-7).
Good point, kaaya came in actually overweight weighing 225 plus and the coaches cut his weight considerably.
It don't matter the 2 toughest qbs I saw last year was deondre francois and Lamar Jackson and each weighed 205 or less and they took hella hits

Jared Goff was like 6'4" 175lbs as a true frosh starting QB for Cal. He stood strong in the pocket and took a beating all year.
Nkosi is bigger/stronger/more athletic than Goff as a frosh. I don't think his size will play any role in whether he wins the job or not. His accuracy and knowledge of the playbook will.

Interesting comparison, but unfortunately Goff was 1-11 as a Freshman.
I don't think Perry's weight will be a factor in his success or failure as a true Freshman.
Who cares how skinny he is? He's not being asked to do anything that requires superhuman strength.
Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

Does it really matter?

Kaaya wasn't necessarily the "biggest" dude coming out of high school, and he had a solid freshman year (was not his fault we went 6-7).
Good point, kaaya came in actually overweight weighing 225 plus and the coaches cut his weight considerably.
It don't matter the 2 toughest qbs I saw last year was deondre francois and Lamar Jackson and each weighed 205 or less and they took hella hits

Jared Goff was like 6'4" 175lbs as a true frosh starting QB for Cal. He stood strong in the pocket and took a beating all year.
Nkosi is bigger/stronger/more athletic than Goff as a frosh. I don't think his size will play any role in whether he wins the job or not. His accuracy and knowledge of the playbook will.

Interesting comparison, but unfortunately Goff was 1-11 as a Freshman.
I don't think Perry's weight will be a factor in his success or failure as a true Freshman.

The comparison to Goff's record is pointless. Cal was terrible outside of Goff and a couple of receivers and had absolutely zero defense.
IF..perry wins the starting job,.. And sets the world on fire..will we show his weight on all his highlight reels?...and just the same if he bombs in his starting opportunity..will we say its because he only weighed 190 lbs?
How bout we worry about him getting the playbook down...and develop a relationship, timing and routes with his receivers?
But what do I know

And yes...Richard's is looking like he's doing well in the weightroom!!!
Kosi is tiny.... wow

Not really, he's about 190 right now. Will be at least 200 by the season starts.

A man with a skinny, wiry frame like Perry's and a metabolism that fast won't gain 10lbs in 2 months---not unless he's juicing or putting on hella bad, junk food weight. What are you smoking?

He put on 7 pounds in less than 2 months back in march I believe. And he doesn't have that small of a frame like you are insinuating.