Restrepo comments


All American
Feb 3, 2018
Restrepo does a blog for Canesport and today he talked about his injury and the team.....

-The injury itself, I had a reoccurring stress foot fracture injury from high school. I guess it fractured in high school or whatever, I played on it. And then one day in practice it just broke. It officially broke the week of Texas A&M, that Wednesday. I’ve known that it was bothering me. Football. If I’m going to get hurt, I’m going to get hurt playing football. I knew something was wrong with it, but at the end of the day I was running a route, it just popped.

- They had me on a practice regiment, and Wednesday was my practice day so I was just going around, woke up that morning knowing I could play football that day. I was stoked about that and unfortunately I just had the injury. And it wasn’t bothering me the game before, it was all of a sudden `bam.’

Now I’m putting in four hours of rehab each and every day, trying my hardest. It’s not too much pain – the training room staff are all doing an amazing job with me and keeping as much stress as I can off of it and allowing it to feel a lot better. It’s just feeling amazing right now. Like at the game, I was like `Man, take me out of this boot and dress me up, I’m ready to play.’

- I’m healing good. I just got my stitches removed. I’m looking good, am just working every day and God will tell me when it’s time. The doctor says I’m looking awesome, that I’m healing really well and I should be back soon.

As for the team, Restrepo goes on to say that the team had a great practice on Tuesday. People played "motivated" in his words. He said that Tyler had a really good practice, looking like his old self. He says the players have daily meetings where they reinforce each other and give each other confidence.
He says the players have daily meetings where they reinforce each other and give each other confidence.
Episode 1 Nbc GIF by The Office
Perhaps he can take this time to introduce the QBs to the WRs
Maybe we should make a thread called "Ice Breakers for TVD's wide receivers group Introduction".

A few samples:
"Teleportation or Flying"?
"Do you prefer a go-route or downfield blocking for the RB?"
"If there was one dude you wouldn't want to be roommates with on this team, who would it be?"
Maybe we should make a thread called "Ice Breakers for TVD's wide receivers group Introduction".

A few samples:
"Teleportation or Flying"?
"Do you prefer a go-route or downfield blocking for the RB?"
"If there was one dude you wouldn't want to be roommates with on this team, who would it be?"

Would you rather be a cheetah or a plodding rhinoceros…
Maybe we should make a thread called "Ice Breakers for TVD's wide receivers group Introduction".

A few samples:
"Teleportation or Flying"?
"Do you prefer a go-route or downfield blocking for the RB?"
"If there was one dude you wouldn't want to be roommates with on this team, who would it be?"

Wine and Dimes team building book club…
I dont doubt the players have daily meetings to keep each other mentally in this thing. Its literally them against the world right now. They are a national joke. Fanbase is getting tired of them. Local media has turned on them. National media just doesnt pay them any mind anymore at all really. (which is worse then them talking bad about you) Alumni probably just shake their heads at them when the see them around. Girlfriends and side-chicks probably aint been picking up their phone calls all week. Just bad all around. But this is the business they have chosen.
Ok first off. Foot stress fracture is an injury I feel like I only read about in big men playing basketball. Kind of concerning and a huge bummer cause it seems X is the only guy on this team with a pair.

Now for the team practicing well? Yeah ok pal I get it you HAVE to say that. TVD looking like his old self? Alright. As a fanbase we are immune to this kind of coach speak.

Still like X and want him healthy. He’s a great guy for this team. Can’t downplay the impact his absence has
I dont doubt the players have daily meetings to keep each other mentally in this thing. It’s literally them against the world right now. They are a national joke. Fanbase is getting tired of them. Local media has turned on them. National media just doesnt pay them any mind anymore at all really. (which is worse then them talking bad about you) Alumni probably just shake their heads at them when the see them around. Girlfriends and side-chicks probably aint been picking up their phone calls all week. Just bad all around. But this is the business they have chosen.
Mentally strong guys take this as a challenge. Weak guys will roll over and **** down their leg. Let’s see who we have on this team.
It is up to this team to decide what path they follow. Listening to Dusty and Danny today on Sirius and they had an ACC guy on. He made a great point. Every year its Miami needs to step up and elevate the league. And Every year its Miami laying a big fat egg. Hes right. This program needs to decide what it is going to be going forward.

All this talk of us going to the SEC, not going to happen. We are a bottom tier ACC team and have been for over a decade. Take off your Orange and Green glasses and you will see that.

God I hope these guys pull it together soon. My kid cannot understand why I even want to watch when there are so many BETTER games on.