Remember Maryland RB Wes Brown?

Every arrest or interaction with cops should be taped with their motherfvcking consent or not. What are they trying to hide? Are they sour that they didn't get to beat him because the video was rolling? If they hung that bullshyt charge on him, then I bet the other charges are trash too. They probably got rustled because he insisted on taping the interaction, so they gave him a couple bogus cases.
This. If he doesn't tape them, it's easy to lie on the stand and make it all on him. If he tapes them, they just add to the charges. Totally farked system.

I have had a cop ask me before to turn off my phone. I told him I wanted the person to know I was being stopped by police and the I gave the person the officers name and information.
He sounds like a political prisoner to me. Charging someone for taping the police? Any State that tries that isht is over the line and off the reservation. The DA should be drawn and quartered.

I'd settle for being fired. Just once I'd like to see someone in power get at least fired for actions like this. Wiretapping? Good gravy.
I'm very suspicious of that last charge, "wiretapping." I believe there was another case like that here in Maryland where a local prosecutor tried to go after a person who used a video camera to record police activities out in the open. It was, properly, thrown out. He probably used a cell phone camera to record the officers. Believe it or not, police aren't always right. Let's see how this unfolds.

Cops in MD have been horrible for a while now about trying to use MD's wiretapping laws to say it's illegal for anyone to record them during interactions. MD prosecutors have been backing them on this **** too.