Reilly Gibbons to Stanford

I've been a supporter of Golden but it's getting harder and harder to stay on his side

You're going to have to change the title of the next report to " WE ARE GETTING WORKED".

Golden has start on the hot seat next season. Total incompetence. You cant win on the field, you cant keep recruits. Why the f**k is he even employed?
F***ing Stanford, seriously Stanford???

He picked us over them from the jump, I get it. They have more success over the past 5 years, and that education is top 5 in the US. But signing day is a couple days away smh! Can't believe this ****
Oh man, the heat on Golden is gonna be ******* crazy if he strikes out again.

the staff is trying so hard guys..... I bet they get the biggest participation trophies for recruiting this year
The past few weeks have just been one punch to the gut after another. Awful end to the football season and now an awful end to recruiting season.
can't wait for the excuses

"oh stanford is paying him under the table" (oh wait... we were the ones caught doing this)
"afraid of competition" (oh wait... we have a **** roster)
"$EC money" (oh wait... it's the PAC12)
"just a free trip to palo alto" (oh wait... he was so solid)

OPEN YOUR EYES GUYS. this staff, administration needs to go. they're keeping THE U HOSTAGE>
Stamford is up there with a Harvard and Yale. Miami is peanuts when you compare a Stanford degree. I am a diehard Cane fan and will do the same exact thing if I am this kid.